What's New on this Website

© 2023 Peter Free


15 October 2024


Mark Rutte — exactly the kind of moron that the US wanted to head NATO — one statement says it all (15 October 2024)


14 October 2024


Stupidity is at the American Oligarchy's forefront these days — consider the example of Verm Miller (14 October 2024)


10 October 2024


Memorable societal observation from DC Draino (10 October 2024)


09 October 2024


Concisely looking Oligarchic devils in their soulless eyes? (09 October 2024)


07 October 2024


Psychopathic psychological projection — Epoch Times accuses China of being responsible for world disorder (07 October 2024)


06 October 2024


Inverted government functions — Brett Weinstein's question about action (06 October 2024)


04 October 2024


Government so foul, that it should be smothered forever? — hurricane Helene's finalizing dot of proof (04 October 2024)


03 October 2024


Missing the strategic point? — Hezbollah sympathizers claim that 8 Israeli military dead is a 'high casualty' rate (03 October 2024)


02 October 2024


Politico — an excellent example of the American Establishment's historically incomparable stupidity (02 October 2024)


01 October 2024


Typical of the moronic Biden administration — Secretary of Commerce Raimondo says that she "has not been very focused on" the anticipated longshoremen's strike (01 October 2024)


30 September 2024


Gotta keep the lowbrows caged — so, let's abandon the First Amendment — says John Kerry (30 September 2024)


29 September 2024


Blanket stupidity and cowardice in global leadership — the morality tale inherent in Hassan Nasrallah's murder by Israel (29 September 2024)


27 September 2024


Auschwitz-Birkenau — emblematic of Poland's and the Collective West's constantly provocative warmongering (27 September 2024)


23 September 2024


Has the US constitution's designation of the president as citizen commander-in-chief been reversed — to the benefit of humankind? (23 September 2024)


21 September 2024


Two prongs of Western Civilization — suiciding brain mush and self-toxic warmongering (21 September 2024)


18 September 2024


Genetic probability says that — someday, a leader of genuine courage and moral stature — will obliterate Zionist Israel for being the Satanic cancer that it is (18 September 2024)


Greedily diluting its brand did not work out for Gold Apollo, did it? — a morality lesson in not blowing up one's customers (18 September 2024)


16 September 2024


Democrats have mush brains? — an example from acolyte Lester Holt (16 September 2024)


15 September 2024


When the United States cannot compete — due to cowardice, lack of will, or foresight — its answer is to censor and ban (15 September 2024)


14 September 2024


US-NATO homicidal psychopathy is evident — as both try to provoke a nuclear exchange — to save Nazi infected Ukraine from losing the war all three started with Russia in 2014 (14 Sep 2024)


11 September 2024


Herding sheep — concise observers' quotes related to the 2024 Harris-Trump debate (11 September 2024)


07 September 2024


Neocons are laughably obtuse, when they're not killing or torturing you — for example, Dick Cheney calling Donald Trump a public menace (07 September 2024)


05 September 2024


Deep State resurrects the RussiaGate ploy — providentially just in time to save the 2024 election (05 September 2024)


02 September 2024


NATO recently added weaklings Finland and Sweden — however, BRICS will likely strip powerful Turkey away (02 September 2024)


29 August 2024


Rigged US political system gushes tyrannical corruption (29 August 2024)


27 August 2024


Consider Capitol rioter Rebecca Lavrenz's extreme criminal sentence — the mush-brained, weaponized American system has banana republic written all over it (27 August 2024)


26 August 2024


Pavel Durov's rich boy dumbassery — current history appears to be a pageant of wildly flawed characters (26 August 2024)


23 August 2024


Caitlin Johnstone's perspective — about the American Democratic Party's pretended goodness (23 August 2024)


22 August 2024


Democratic National Convention paraded one reprehensible person after another (22 August 2024)


20 August 2024


United Kingdom snatches and low-level tortures Palestinian sympathizer Richard Medhurst for being volubly anti-genocide (20 August 2024)


19 August 2024


Donald Trump — even more irrelevantly dumbass now, than before? (19 August 2024)


16 August 2024


Drunken Ukrainian yacht-plotters blew up Nord Stream — says the Deep State's Wall Street Journal (16 August 2024)


13 August 2024


Hypocrisy fossilizes American brains into rocklike moronitude (13 August 2024)


12 August 2024


Every day in Gaza represents a Nuremburg-style indictment of United States (12 August 2024)


09 August 2024


Antidote to nuclear war — should US foreign policy leaders be tazed whenever they open their mouths? (09 Aug 2024)


08 August 2024


Deep State goes after war and genocide critic Scott Ritter, again (08 August 2024)


07 August 2024


Vengeance served cold is boring and strategically useless (07 August 2024)


06 August 2024


US military accountability stops one boss downhill from the one who should get the axe — consider the B1B bomber crash (06 August 2024)


05 August 2024


Obtuse — Americans regarding the First Amendment (05 August 2024)


02 August 2024


Biden 'couped' out of power — the coming aftermath (02 August 2024)


31 July 2024


Satanic logic —US says that it will continue to help Israel defend itself against the people that it genocides (31 July 2024)


28 July 2024


Leave it to France to theatrically parade the West's majority-defying rottenness — the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony

(28 July 2024)


26 July 2024


New and improved Boeing finally managed to get 2 astronauts to the Space Station — and then essentially stranded them there — kind'a like Biden's 'not at war' claim (26 Jul 2026)


25 July 2024


Scumbag Netanyahu came to scumbag Congress — both did the Happy War Criminals Dance (25 July 2024)


24 July 2024


Not just the Oligopoly's fault — United States' useless third political parties (24 July 2024)


22 July 2024


Demonstrating how lunatic many Americans are — a bunch of folks are still maintaining that Trump staged his assassination attempt (22 July 2024)


18 July 2024


Proud to be sheep? — Wearing ear bandages to demonstrate Trump support — and entirely missing the point (18 July 2024)


17 July 2024


Secret Service was informed of an alleged Iranian threat to Trump, so the Service mounted its blown-off Trumpian ear fiasco? (17 July 2024)


15 July 2024


Respect for Donald Trump's admirable toughness (15 July 2024)


Biden administration's politization of US institutions — predictably culminated in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (15 July 2024)


14 July 2024


Caitlin Johnstone summed it up — United States brain rot slaughters life (14 July 2024)


12 July 2024


Voting-with-feet narrative — evaporates — take California (12 July 2024)


10 July 2024


Taxing cow farts — the latest bit of thieving brilliance from the Globalist Left (10 July 2024)


09 July 2024


An elder speaks out — perfectly spoken, Paul Craig Roberts (09 July 2024)


08 July 2024


If only we had leaders of Maria Zakharova's sharp insight (08 Jul 2024)


06 July 2024


Kamala Harris is a good indicator of just how laughably screwed up the United States is (06 July 2024)


05 July 2024


Pentagon essentially admits that it cannot warmonger China — without obtaining products from companies that use US-banned Huawei technology (05 July 2024)


04 July 2024


US ridiculousness continues — now we are pretending that a shuffling dementia patient in the White House — is mightily resisting being removed from office (04 July 2024)


03 July 2024


Liquified natural gas — tyrannical idiots in the Biden administration? (03 July 2024)


29 June 2024


Pathetic US government — incorrigible public — depressing national future (29 June 2024)


28 June 2024


More vicious lunacy from the despicable US House of Representatives (28 June 2024)


27 June 2024


History is likely to adopt China's take on the United States' Julian Assange plea deal (27 June 2024)


26 June 2024


US tortured Australian journalist Julian Assange for 12 years — and then forced him to plead a felony that the Constitution says he could not have committed (26 June 2024)


20 June 2024


Senator Chris Murphy illogically indicted Texas law enforcement's cowardly response to the Uvalde school shooting of two years ago — so as to make his anti-gun pitch (20 June 2024)


19 June 2024


Two lying twerps — typify the Collective West's mental and moral rot (19 June 2024)


17 June 2024


When the obviously looming threat of nuclear war — cannot get the American public's attention — you recognize how unworthy of Darwinian survival we are (17 June 2024)


15 June 2024


US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin belittled Putin — and called for more war in Ukraine (15 June 2024)


14 June 2024


SWAT training emphasizes not killing innocents — Zionist Israel emphasizes the reverse (14 June 2024)


11 June 2024


Just after remembering D-Day — the United States contradictorily lifted its ban on sending weapons to Ukraine's Nazi-inspired Azov Battalion (11 June 2024)


10 June 2024


United Kingdom poll demonstrates — complete disrespect for the Soviet Union's vastly predominant contribution to World War 2's anti-Nazi victory (10 June 2024)


09 June 2024


Putin's endlessly chatty dithering — just invites the West's madly escalating provocations (09 June 2024)


08 June 2024


Germany continues to be led by nitwits — who cannot detect who the real enemy is (08 June 2024)


07 June 2024


Neocon-led United States is — suicidally — destroying Europe (07 June 2024)


06 June 2024


Paul Craig Roberts, regarding American conservatives' easily manipulated ignorance and mental sloth (06 June 2024)


D-Day anniversary 2024 —  we are now living American neocons' reversal of what the United States' 1944 troops died to stop (06 June 2024)


04 June 2024


Fascist America strikes against truth-tellers again? — Scott Ritter seized from boarding aircraft and his US passport removed (04 June 2024)


03 June 2024


Do insouciant human sheep learn only through pain? (03 June 2024)


02 June 2024


AP — virulent propaganda organ for the US Deep State — goes after Trump (02 June 2024)


31 May 2024


In the putridly decomposing morass that is declining America — there are only devils in leadership — consider Biden, Trump and RFK Jr (31 May 2023)


Brain dead United States threatens China for allegedly selling weapons to Russia —while the US simultaneously calls for US missiles to attack the Russian homeland (31 May 2024)


30 May 2024


China must be laughing — Zionism-sponsoring US spectacularly co-genocides Palestinians — and then builds an 'aid' propaganda ocean pier — that washes away in mild waves (30 May 2024)


Nazi-spirited United States glows bright — with Nikki Haley's 'finish them' signature on Israeli artillery shells intended to kill Palestinian women and children (30 May 2024)


29 May 2024


Miasma of lies and mind-butchery surrounds us in the Collective West (29 May 2024)


26 May 2024


Act of God washes United States' humanitarian pretense away — at the Gaza pier (26 May 2024)


25 May 2024


On behalf of the United States' maniacally warmongering loons — let us welcome the nuclear fire that is eventually to come (25 May 2024)


24 May 2024


Governing ideologues are determined to destroy the United States — in fascist Greenism's name (24 May 2024)


23 May 2024


Insouciant — Paul Craig Roberts' word for the US public — fits our pack of slaughter-approving puppet-dummies (23 May 2024)


20 May 2024


Why would Iran put important people on a single helicopter — and then fly it through mountain fog — to a basically unimportant event? (20 May 2024)


17 May 2024


Senator Ted Cruz thinks Americans are so evil — that they would not oppose Israel's genocide in Gaza, unless prompted by foreign money (18 May 2024)


17 May 2024


Russia left Zelensky alive — because he is such a good reminder of the United States' Ukro-Nazi turd soup (17 May 2024)


16 May 2024


RFK Jr's blindly stupid campaign — a missed opportunity to stand for something energetically honorable (16 May 2024)


15 May 2024


IQ-challenged United States threatens China with tariffs — this will go about as well as sanctioning Russia did (15 May 2024)


14 May 2024


Biden administration denies Israel's Gaza quasi-genocide — and Republican US Senator Lindsey Graham implicitly calls for nuclear annihilation of Palestinians (14 May 2024)


11 May 2024


West's hostility to fossil fuels — gets a reality lesson from Vietnam (11 May 2024)


10 May 2024


Are the United States and pointless dumbassery the same thing? — consider our idiocy-based hostility to Big Oil (10 May 2024)


07 May 2024


European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen — pushed for more war with her word 'existential' — her kind of crazy won't be satisfied, until we're all dead (07 May 2024)


04 May 2024


320 members of the US House of Representatives are arguably guilty of treason (04 May 2024)


03 May 2024


America's characteristic infrastructural sloth displayed in Colorado — and the larger lesson that goes with it (03 May 2024)


01 May 2024


Russia's Maria Zakharova dismissed America's representative village idiot — Karine Jean-Pierre — with a simple observation about reality (01 May 2024)


30 April 2024


Secretary Blinken tacitly volunteered that the United States started the Ukraine War to pillage and plunder (30 April 2024)


29 April 2024


Biden and Congress suicided the United States dollar dominance — by authorizing the seizure of Russian financial assets — Russia wasted no time in knotting our self-made dangle-strangle rope (29 April 2024)


28 April 2024


No arrogance like US and NATO arrogance — knuckle-dragging stupidity that defies rational comprehension (28 April 2024)


25 April 2024


Netanyahu should be dangling from a Nuremberg Trials-style rope — instead, he's trying to eliminate human decency in the United States (25 Apr 2024)


23 April 2024


American diplomacy at its most characteristic — just before his scheduled trip to threaten China, Blinken pisses them off (23 April 2024)


22 April 2024


Purported loon who turned good —and the one who did not — Mike Whitney contrasted Marjorie Taylor Greene with Donald Trump (22 April 2024)


21 April 2024


American neocons are planning to get more of our 'adviser' troops killed — in Nazi-led Ukraine (21 April 2024)


18 April 2024


Puppeted Norwegian yellow belly Stoltenberg — called on Ukraine to provide more corpses for the NATO war machine (18 April 2024)


Russian op-ed's accurate take on Germany's buffoon chancellor — Olaf Scholz (17 April 2024)


17 April 2024


Cowardly University of Southern California favored genocide and censorship over free speech — on the veiled excuse that potential violence should dismember Liberty (17 April 2024)


16 April 2024


Arrogant lunacy, it's the Western way? — a comment about Reuters' propagandizing nonsense (16 April 2024)


Whinily narcissistic Israel — wants to internationally sanction Iran's missile program — so as to make it easier for Zionists to exterminate all things Muslim (16 April 2024)


15 April 2024


Did a partially castrated American hegemon stumble into view?  — if so, Russia and Iran held the scalpels (15 April 2024)


14 April 2024


Japan's prime minister Fumio Kishida distorted history — while eagerly licking the United States' imperial boot (14 April 2024)


12 April 2024


US logic is an aggressive imbecile's logic — Iran (12 April 2024)


Pepe Escobar eloquently summarized the belligerently whiny — axe-murder-prone — neocon United States (12 April 2024)


Federal judge says that illegal immigrants have the right to bear arms in the United States (12 April 2024)


10 April 2024


You are not seeing what you are seeing — said SecDef Lloyd Austin — of Israel's slaughtering carnage in Gaza (10 Apr 2024)


08 April 2024


Secretary of State Blinken tacitly promises us World War 3 — on Ukraine's Nazi-embracing behalf (08 April 2024)


04 April 2024


NATO confesses to its murderously predatory cowardice (04 April 2024)


03 April 2024


Does even a cynic sense that — the Judeo-Christian-predicted apocalypse might be soon arriving? (03 April 2024)


Guyana's president — Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali — ass-punted hypocritically nauseating English reporter, Stephen Sackur (03 April 2024)


02 April 2024


Maybe Dead Brain Biden's sad mental condition has its positives — for somebody, who is not you (02 April 2024)


01 April 2024


History's serially repeating US-generated lie — dominoes will fall, so let's start another war (01 April 2024)


31 March 2024


Western neocons' unrelenting dumbassery — was exquisitely highlighted in an exchange with Russia's Maria Zakharova (31 March 2024)


30 March 2024


Perceptive? — Evgeny Khalilov, regarding American culture (30 March 2024)


28 March 2024


Bible-selling Donald Trump — has the perhaps sole virtue of being cynically entertaining (28 March 2024)


27 March 2024


United Kingdom's idiotic Julian Assange extradition appeal ruling (27 March 2024)


As a proxy test of the US manufacturing strength — we will see how long it takes to rebuild Baltimore's ship-flattened Key Bridge (27 March 2024)


24 March 2024


US congress will invite Zionism's genocidal maniac Netanyahu — to address our like-minded Legislative Branch (24 March 2024)


19 March 2024


Zionist puppet — Stephen Soukup — wails about allegedly rising antisemitism (19 March 2024)


18 March 2024


Houthi 'terrorists' did it — the United States' perennially forked tongue (18 March 2024)


Netanyahu chastised US Senator Schumer — and further implied that interfering in foreign elections should be left to Israel (18 March 2024)


16 March 2024


Fun with words — Chebureki Man on X (16 March 2024)


Caitlin Johnstone synopsized the US political parties' anti-Islamic personas (16 March 2024)


15 March 2024


Killing free speech — and literally also — stealing TikTok from its Chinese owners (15 March 2024)


13 March 2024


American partisanship and the inability to think — are we all 'gonna' die? (13 March 2024)


11 March 2024


Ukraine War and its metaphors — mud, rats and Western idiocy (11 March 2024)


07 March 2024


"Toria, you sweet thing" — her name, alone, indicates the nature of the mass murdering puke bowl that she comes from (07 March 2024)


05 March 2024


White House weasel John Kirby — is emblematic of neocons' Satanic practices (05 March 2024)


03 March 2024


More US nonsense — expensively air dropping only 38,000 meals into Gaza — when it could end the entirety of the slaughter — with just one phone call (03 March 2024)


02 March 2024


Lunatic Germany is apparently aching to have Russia chew its Nazi loving self to pieces — again (02 March 2024)


01 March 2024


In the United States, being opposed to genocide makes one an extremist (01 March 2024)


27 February 2024


NATO head Jens Stoltenberg promised that Ukraine will join NATO — and implicitly — that an overt World War 3 will begin (27 February 2024)


26 February 2024


Morally honorable Aaron Bushnell — versus the predatory vermin, who run the United States (26 February 2024)


23 February 2024


Mush-headed US perspective — a comment about the supposedly rules-based order (23 February 2024)


22 February 2024


Good summary of the United States' murder-in-progress of Julian Assange — Connor O'Keeffe (22 February 2024)


21 February 2024


New York Judge Engoron chopped Liberty — with his malevolently malicious axe (21 February 2024)


19 February 2024


Brutal satire — What happens to active-duty US military dead, who were in Ukraine via surreptitious assignment? (19 February 2024)


17 February 2024


Look this way and not that, sheep! — says the Biden Gang — regarding Navalny, ignoring Lira, and hyping a mythical Russian space weapon (17 February 2024)


14 February 2024


Hypocrisy does not run deeper — Dead-Brain Biden on the Mayorkas impeachment (14 February 2024)


13 February 2024


Should the Ukro-Nazi-supporting US Senate — be sent to fight in Ukraine? (13 February 2024)


12 February 2024


Sheep so stupid, that they happily strangle themselves — Is the United States "a country of fat morons"? (12 February 2024)


10 February 2024


US media suppressed the content of Tucker Carlson's Putin interview — or alternatively — intentionally twisted it into unrecognizability (10 February 2024)


08 February 2024


AP calls it Congressional dysfunction — I call it a frail emergence of unexpected function (08 February 2024)


06 February 2024


Biden Gang — in typifying fashion — presents a laughably unachievable Hezbollah-containment plan (06 February 2024)


05 February 2024


For a few moments, it was — 'Syrian regime-backed mercenaries' —until 'Iran-backed militias' returned to the American propaganda line (05 February 2024)


02 February 2024


Democrats seem to lack common sense — 74 percent of House Democrats voted against being required to deport illegal migrants who commit Social Security fraud (02 February 2024)


01 February 2024


Example of US and Ukraine's murdering lunacy — they shot down a Russian plane carrying Ukrainian POWs destined for a prisoner exchange (01 February 2024)


Weeks long bombing — in the absence of declarations of war — is the American way (01 February 2024)


31 January 2024


A pointed takedown of lamentably uninsightful personal character — Tarik Cyril Amar regarding Elon Musk (31 January 2024)


30 January 2024


Nancy Pelosi blamed anti-genocide protests on Vladimir Putin — string that logic together (30 January 2024)


US uses its troops as bait — where they don't belong — and then claims that the anti-colonialists who kill and harm them are fully controlled by Iran (30 January 2024)


29 January 2024


Eleven genocide-approving Western nations — suspended funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (29 January 2024)


28 January 2024


What will the Cabal in the White House do about Constitution-invoking Texas? (28 January 2024)


27 January 2024


Russian press and politicians have character — unlike the United States' always lying propagandists (27 January 2024)


25 January 2024


Demonic US and Israel — captured in two videos (25 January 2024)


24 January 2024


US foments the war with Iran that it wants — by warning that American troops (illegally) in Iraq and Syria are under threat (24 January 2024)


23 January 2024


"Nikki Haley sweeps Dixville Notch’s primary, winning all 6 votes" — headlines the absurd AP's inadvertently telling vignette (23 January 2024)


22 January 2024


Contemplate the gall of these people — say Tom Woods and Stephen Karganovic — when writing about the Globalist propaganda machine and the robotic nitwits who control it (22 January 2024)


20 January 2024


UK rams its own ships, during Operation Prosperity Guardian — and more or less simultaneously advertises for a Navy outsider to lead its nuclear submarine force (20 January 2024)


18 January 2024


Accurate portrait of the United States — its Senate votes in favor of continuing the Palestinian genocide without constraint — and the Biden Murder Gang calls anti-genocide Yemenis, terrorists (18 January 2024)


17 January 2024


George F. Smith is thinking about — the United States' punishment of Liberty-supporting displays of courage (17 January 2024)


15 January 2024


Oh my word, Simplicius, you did good — the rotting United States vignetted in just a few telling words (15 January 2024)


14 January 2024


US policy — If it is poor, brownish and displays courageous honor — kill it (14 January 2024)


13 January 2024


Neocon-destroyed United States — anti-human, anti-Christian — a morass of demon-spawning filth — Gonzalo Lira's murder (13 January 2024)


12 January 2024


Antony Blinken — fully representative of The Great Satan (12 January 2024)


11 January 2024


A conclusion we share — psychiatrist Martin Greenwald on loss and gratitude — and my comment about purported wisdom's short reach (11 January 2024)


09 January 2024


Jeffrey Sachs succinctly summarized how the massively corrupt United States works (09 January 2024)


08 January 2024


Laughable tumult — Secretary of Defense Austin vanished into Walter Reed Hospital, without telling Dementia Joe Biden's handlers (08 January 2024)


07 January 2024


John Kirby — spewing the United States' hypocrisy-formed fecal drool (07 January 2024)


04 January 2024


Vivek Ramaswamy is not a dope — that probably makes him unelectable (04 January 2024)


03 January 2024


In summary, Western Civilization is gone — Alastair Crooke speaking to Andrew Napolitano (03 January 2024)


02 January 2024


When even California implies that some people are brainless, anti-Constitutional, left-wing dipshits — they probably are (02 January 2024)


30 December 2023


US has already participated in 2 Middle East genocides — apparently, it is gearing up to initiate a third (30 December 2023)


29 December 2023


Maine, literally equivalent to a decrepit third world republic itself — has demonstrated how Constitution-defying Americans — can import totalitarian bananas (29 December 2023)


27 December 2023


Ansar Allah is showing the planet how — impoverished people can successfully fight — Satan's neocon herd of blood-sucking devils (27 December 2023)


26 December 2023


Insightfully accurate swipe at US neoliberalism — Belén Fernández — "The US is no country for old men" (26 December 2023)


Germany apparently learned nothing from — the Red Army's annihilation of the Wehrmacht (26 December 2023)


24 December 2023


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin advanced a revoltingly hypocritical indictment — of Yemen's missile and drone-firing Houthis (24 December 2023)


Coincidentally timed despair — from Donald Jeffries, Paul Craig Roberts and me — regarding the lobotomized sheep, who visibly burst the seams of American society (24 December 2023)


22 December 2023


With Colorado's highest court snorting metaphorical anti-Trump hallucinogens — we will find out whether the US Supreme Court— rediscovers its Constitution-protecting gumption (21 December 2023)


20 December 2023


Why does anyone take Ukraine's Zelensky seriously? — the contemptible guy is so tiresomely deluded (20 December 2023)


Is the Great Reset plotting to turn the United States into a bottomless vat of mewling dumbshits? (20 December 2023)


18 December 2023


Zionist Israel appears to combine doing evil with incompetence so abysmal — that it recklessly slaughters its own people (18 December 2023)


16 December 2023


Why is Zelensky still alive? — a comment about military duty (16 December 2023)


14 December 2023


UN general assembly's Gaza cease-fire vote, synopsized — decency versus murdering devils and abysmal cowards — Manichaeism may rise from Gazas ashes (14 December 2023)


12 December 2023


Demonstrating again the incorrigible stupidity of American leaders — still more (soon to boomerang) anti-Russian sanctions (12 December 2023)


11 December 2023


Should we let Western civilization dismember and gut itself — so as to preserve Humanity's hope for wellbeing? (11 December 2023)


10 December 2023


Chancellor Olaf Scholz — a suitably idiotic leader for suicidally inclined Germany (10 December 2023)


09 December 2023


White House propagandist, John Kirby, says that — 'We're doing everything we can, to help alleviate suffering' — in Gaza (09 December 2023)


08 December 2023


US Senate approves America's blatant violations of international law in Syria — our grandfathers' aim for peace, dismembered (08 December 2023)


06 December 2023


Rise to arms — ye Manicheans!? (06 December 2023)


US House of Representatives goes braindead totalitarian — anti-Zionism, it says, is antisemitism (06 December 2023)


04 December 2023


Perfectly aimed — Abby Zimet's anti-tribute to the Devil's man — Henry Kissinger (04 December 2023)


03 December 2023


'Chicken' Blinken — Russian foreign minister Lavrov stuck a reality pike up Neocon America's decomposing hind end (03 December 2023)


01 December 2023


Hamas — being the vicious dumbasses that they are — idiotically decided to reverse the support-losing trend of Zionist Israel's terror campaign in Gaza (01 December 2023)


Zionist Israel, addicted to evil? — accumulated evidence indicates so (01 December 2023)


30 November 2023


US deep state wants to allow genociding Israel to use whatever weapons it wants from the US stockpile there (30 November 2023)


29 November 2023


Bookmarked for posterity — Richard Medhurst's dismemberment of the West's victim-pretending genociders in Gaza (29 November 2023)


28 November 2023


Conor McGregor is being targeted by the Irish government— for alleged hate speech — that criticized Ireland's woke prime minister's evasion of arguable facts (28 November 2023)


26 November 2023


Join the few — resist becoming yet another destruction-addicted muttonhead (26 November 2023)


25 November 2023


Two causative perspectives and a mechanistic summary description — regarding the slaughter in Gaza (25 November 2023)


24 November 2023


Them other devils did it — Netanyahu blames the United Nations for not helping Gazans (24 November 2023)


23 November 2023


Al Jazeera's understated burial vignette — figuratively applies to both of the United States' recently instigated slaughter-horrors (23 November 2023)


22 November 2023


Provoking more wars — with our brainless head up our neocon-sculpted ass (22 November 2023)


21 November 2023


Israeli Zionism is so deranged — that it is having its rabid dog, AIPAC — spend $100 million to remove anti-genocide members of Congress (21 November 2023)


19 November 2023


Zionists continue coopting the Holocaust to justify the mass slaughter of innocents — and now they're whining about a pretended rise of anti-Jewish hate (19 November 2023)


17 November 2023


Hamas 07 October 2023 — was it a cold-hearted ruse of immense geopolitical change — or was it a hot-headed maneuver of strategically dumbass proportion? (17 November 2023)


15 November 2023


Fred Reed's essay — about international do-nothing-ism regarding the slaughter in Gaza (15 November 2023)


13 November 2023


Washington Post served up an expanded edition of a previously concocted story — about who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline (13 November 2023)


11 November 2023


Russia, China and Iran continue acting passively — in the face of the Anglo-Zionist axis's unadulterated evil (11 November 2023)


10 November 2023


Has Israel's viciousness in retaliation — turned the Hamas 07 October attack into a historically meaningful turn of destiny? (10 November 2023)


08 November 2023


Israel's killing of babies and children— with our money and weapons — is good for the United States, the US Pentagon implies (08 November 2023)


06 November 2023


Dr Mengele's offspring live in Israel? (06 November 2023)


04 November 2023


Eloquent fury from Richard Medhurst — regarding Arab nations' non-action — during Israel's Gaza slaughter (04 November 2023)


02 November 2023


In a hostile reply to Bolivia's withdrawal of its ambassador — Israel essentially maintained that slaughtering civilians is a worthy response to Hamas terrorism (02 November 2023)


01 November 2023


Israel's UN representatives dishonor the Holocaust's victims — with their ludicrously undeserved parading of Nazi Germany's tragic yellow stars (01 November 2023)







Archives — Peter Free.com