Consider Capitol rioter Rebecca Lavrenz's extreme criminal sentence — the mush-brained, weaponized American system has banana republic written all over it

© 2024 Peter Free


27 August 2024



Payback should be initiated?


As I watch the United States eagerly disintegrating itself into Uni-Party fascism, I begin to think that payback would be a worthwhile (though institutionally hapless) addition to the serially ongoing destruction of what the Founders wrought.


Consider, for example, Rebecca Lavrenz's extreme judicial sentence for her mild participation in the Capitol Riot of 06 January 2021.



Background — the conviction


From Debbie Kelley at The



After a lengthy deliberation that’s been rare for Capitol breach cases, Falcon resident Rebecca Lavrenz, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” was convicted on all four federal misdemeanor charges for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest of the 2020 presidential election results in Washington, D.C.


The trial began March 25 in federal district court in the District of Columbia and ended after nearly 26 hours of deliberation, a 12-member jury found Lavrenz guilty of:


entering and remaining in a restricted building,


disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds,


disorderly conduct in a capitol building,




parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol.


© 2024 Debbie Kelley, Verdict: Colorado Springs-area resident found guilty on all charges in Capitol breach trial in D.C., The Gazette (04 April 2024)



The extreme sentence


Again, from Debbie Kelley:



A sentencing that took four and a half hours in federal district court in Washington, D.C., Monday afternoon left 72-year-old great-grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon [Colorado] with no prison time for her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach.


What a magistrate judge did levy for her April 4 conviction on four misdemeanor counts:



one year of probation, six months of house arrest . . . and a $103,000 fine for funds she’s raised from the public.



Video footage shows Lavrenz entered the Capitol with a crowd of other demonstrators and left after 10 minutes because she said protesters learned that congressional leaders had left the building.


Cessation of internet use is immediate and will be monitored.


She’s prevented from viewing and posting on social media, emailing people, paying bills online and other digital activities.


A 34-page memo the prosecution submitted to the judge called for Lavrenz to receive 10 months in prison because she’s been outspoken about what she sees as unfairness in the federal judicial system.


“I’ve been exposing truths about the court system — I have a website, I’ve been doing interviews. I’ve seen corruption and am being transparent about that, and they think I’m being too critical,” she said.


“They think I’m a danger and could cause political problems.”


In levying the fine of $103,000, Lavrenz said the judge spoke against her using what he called her “celebrity status” to raise funds.


Donations to an online fundraiser kept up a steady stream on Monday, with the total rising to about $166,000 for assistance with her fines and fees.


© 2024 Debbie Kelley, 'J6 Praying Grandma' from Colorado Springs area avoids prison — but not all penalties, The Gazette (14 August 2024)



Logically irrelevant punitiveness . . .


. . . with sheer vindictiveness in mind?


We can see that even the US judicial system has been polluted by Democratic Party's totalitarian-enforced self-interest.


For example, since when has it been illegal for an American celebrity to use her fame in advancing her political and philosophical goals and defending herself against legally exaggerated forms of prosecution?


What kind of a precedent does this idiot federal magistrate's First Amendment-obliterating vindictiveness constitute?


Lavrenz can't even pay her bills online.


What logical relevance does online bill-paying have to do with Lavrenz's alleged, essentially disruptive, trespassing crimes?



The moral? — These weaponized American institutions . . .


. . . are inviting their own destruction via their extreme excesses.


The Lavrenz persecution is exactly the kind of thing that no legitimate 1776-1789 American patriot should be willing to tolerate.


The US Bill of Rights was explicitly intended to prevent government authorities from repressing, oppressing, and harassing American citizens in the manner that Lavrenz — and so many of the Capitol rioters — have been.


Rise up.


Reversely weaponize.


Pay back.


Patsyhood does not preserve liberty.


We may then find out whether vicious, totalitarian-minded mush-brains are capable of learning anything at all.