Biden administration's politization of US institutions — predictably culminated in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump

© 2024 Peter Free


15 July 2024



Biden Gang's demon chickens came home to roost?


Whether the attempt on presidential candidate Donald Trump's life was US government-instigated, as almost certainly were the assassinations of:



John F. Kennedy (22 November 1963)


Malcolm X (21 February 1965)


Martin Luther King Jr (04 April 1968)




Robert F. Kennedy (05 June 1968)



. . .  or merely a 2024 display of intentionally careless government sloth — the Biden Gang's continual weaponization of US institutions (against its political opponents) was made crystal clear, yet again.


And now in the spotlight, those Biden slimeballs are trying to sweep their previous — 'murder or imprison those people' — rhetoric from the national consciousness.



Notice also that


The incomprehensibly sloppy Secret Service performance at the Trump murder attempt parallels Federal Government's intentionally unprepared performance — in the face of then-existing intelligence data — at the Capitol Riot of 06 January 2021.



The moral? — The US Deep State is humanity's enemy


This maniacal American institutional complex will not be fixed by a simple change in who is president.


The entirety of the US system has been purposely (and cancerously) twisted against the Founders' originating 'reasonable government' intent.