Liquified natural gas — tyrannical idiots in the Biden administration?

© 2024 Peter Free


03 July 2024



Ideological mania and payback politics?


No measure is too immorally lowly to be implemented by the Biden Gang:



The White House announced in January that the Energy Department would temporarily stop approving new LNG export licenses to assess the impact of shipments on global warming.


Late Monday [01 July 2024], US District Judge James D. Cain Jr. in Louisiana ruled in favor of Louisiana and 15 other red states that had challenged the "temporary pause" on new LNG export licenses.


Judge Cain . . . wrote that the pause "is completely without reason or logic and is perhaps the epiphany of ideocracy."


Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said the DoE's halt on new licenses sparked a lot of uncertainty in her state, with tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure in question.


She called yesterday's decision "a major victory for American energy."


© 2024 Tyler Durden, "Major Victory for American Energy": Judge Blocks Biden's Pause on LNG Export Licenses, ZeroHedge (02 July 2024)



So y'all Biden elitists . . .


. . . were going to screw American energy producers on a whim?


Imagine the economic implications (capital and labor) in the affected states.



Was there more than climate nutsness involved?


Maybe, considering the Democratic Party's viciously petty, constantly conniving partisanship. Witness the generally substance-lacking lawfare it has generated against former president Trump:



On Jan. 26, President Joe Biden took an aggressive step forward in his war on American energy by halting the permitting of new liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminals.


This action has massive global implications, as TPPF’s Mark Mills laid out when the decision was publicly announced.


It also has the added benefit for the president of attacking primarily Texas and Louisiana, red states that account for the bulk of U.S. LNG exports. This decision comes on the heels of Texas taking steps to secure its border with Mexico, putting the state directly at odds with the administration—once again.


But the president’s politically motivated actions will reverberate far beyond America’s natural gas producing regions.


By locking global supply and demand imbalances in place for longer, this decision will send billions of dollars to foreign producers and raise the cost of energy globally.


Any short-term drop in domestic prices will ultimately be negated by reductions in future domestic production.


© 2024 Matt Egan and Brent Bennett, Biden’s War on Domestic Energy Intensifies, RealClear Energy (18 February 2024)



In Mark Mills' (Texas Public Policy Foundation) words:



This is overtly, politically opportunistic and sets a dangerous precedent with a long tail[.]


First, it’s a blow to our allies in Europe.


American natural gas was a key to replacing Russian natural gas. An export ban, even if temporary, shows Europe that America is not a serious or reliable partner.


More fundamentally, the Department of Energy shouldn’t even have the authority to issue such capricious edicts. American farmers don’t need permission to export wheat. In fact, our government helps farmers export.


This action has even broader implications. Private investors in all large infrastructure projects will be worried, even in currently favored industries like semiconductors, that they could end up on the wrong side of political favoritism.


Do we want to become increasingly a Chinese-like permission-based economy?


© 2024 Texas Public Policy Foundation, TPPF’s Mark P. Mills Denounces Biden Administration’s Halt on LNG Exports, (26 January 2024)



The moral? — The scheming Biden Gang doesn't care whom they kill and trample . . .


. . . insofar as their fascistic moves keep their own Fat Cats hauling in 'the lucre' and manifesting strangle-grip power over We the People.