United Kingdom snatches and low-level tortures Palestinian sympathizer Richard Medhurst for being volubly anti-genocide

© 2024 Peter Free


20 August 2024



The West's tyranny spreads


See Richard Medhurst's below-linked video.


It begins this way:



I was arrested at Heathrow Airport under the Terrorism Act, Sec 12 because of my reporting.


6 police officers were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft.


I was held for almost 24 hours and questioned.


I believe I'm the first journalist to be arrested under this provision of the Terrorism Act.


I feel that this is a political persecution and hampers my ability to work as a journalist.


© 2024 Richard Medhurst, I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism, YouTube (19 August 2024)



Medhurst does a concise job of describing his family's 1,000 year background in the UK and the 24 hours of low-level torture that the Brits intentionally subjected him to.



If you follow Medhurst's various postings . . .


. . . you know that he is not a terrorist.


Like the US-harassed Scott Ritter and Julian Assange, Medhurst is simply an outspoken — peace-inclined — opponent of oppression and mass murder.



The moral? — The most important freedom values of Western Civilization . . .


. . . are being crushed by its tyrannically cowardly descendants. These vermin-run governments share a voracious appetite for repression, control and thievery.


History informs us that enslavement of the courageous always rides violent wings to liberation.


We see this in the intertwined Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi resistance to genocidal Israel.


We saw it Vietnam and Afghanistan. Against the United States' attempts to control and colonize.


It is a measure of a local people's courage, the low levels of culturally perfidious encroachment that they will tolerate from those asserting power over them.


My guess, in this regard, is that Western Civilization is over. The mass courage necessary to preserve its liberty heritage has fled.


Leaving only a handful of isolated freedom-proponents to resist the outrageous slings that the West's autocratically run (brain-dead and spineless) populations generate on a daily basis.


Freedom's spark has been bred out of genetic existence in the too comfortable West.


Not even the recent past's Assanges, Snowdens, and Mannings — this historically thin list is lonely, isolated and long — and the present's Ritters and Medhursts will save it.


Meanwhile, the United States' Second Amendment is flaunted by masses of people generally too complacently deluded to know what it was intended to prevent — and even more pertinently, what would be required to make effective use of it.


Thus, the Oligarchy's rodent-enforcers pick us off.


One by one.