Deep State goes after war and genocide critic Scott Ritter, again

© 2024 Peter Free


08 August 2024



Deep State slimeballs continue to attack . . .


. . . the once constitutional republic:



The FBI and state police on Wednesday raided the upstate New York home of Scott Ritter, a former U.N. weapons inspector, Fox News Digital has confirmed.


FBI agents and state police were seen entering Ritter’s home in Delmar Wednesday afternoon.


The reason for the raid was unclear. 


The raid came a day after Ritter posted a photo of him grabbing a bite with independent presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


Appearing on Andrew Napolitano’s podcast in June, Ritter said U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had recently seized his passport as he was about to board a flight bound for Russia.


Ritter said CBP agents told him the State Department ordered them to seize his passport without further explanation.


© 2024 Bradford Betz, FBI raids New York home of former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter: 'Ongoing federal investigation', Fox News (07 August 2024)



Notice that


In a similarly Brown Shirts fashion, the raid on Ritter's home was Mar-a-Lago-like, in terms of the proportional volume of materials taken away.


See the stream of boxes being carried from Ritter's house:



CBS6 Albany, FBI conducts raid at former UN inspector's home linked to investigation, YouTube (07 August 2024)



In short


The pattern of the Scott Ritter harassment is identical to that aimed at former president Donald Trump and the (often comparatively non-personally-violent) 06 January 2021 Capitol rioters.


Ritter's political crime has been his consistent criticism of the US-instigated, hugely death-dealing Ukraine War.


As well as his determined opposition to Israel's genocide of Palestinians and the United States' eager complicity in carrying out that demonically motivated slaughter.





Ritter may have shown poor self-defensive judgment in his interactions with RT, Sputnik and Russian officials vis a vis the requirements of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


When 'they are out to get you' — it is advisable to be extra cautious in not giving 'them' a handle to snatch you with.


Nevertheless, my estimation remains that Ritter was targeted for his freely spoken opinions and not pursuant to any legitimately persuasive evidence of being foreign controlled.



The moral? — If one publicly opposes the American Deep State . . .


. . . 'lawfare' and prison loom.


The United States has turned itself into a version of Trump's referenced 'shithole' countries. Deep State-enforcing Brown Shirt-equivalents are everywhere in the United States these days. Even the Judiciary has been polluted by a totalitarian perspective.


Had General George Washington foreseen 2024's Liberty-crushing outcomes, he probably would have left his 1776 Delaware-crossing boats and troops ashore.


Avarice, corruption and cowardice eventually destroy everything that was once (arguably) more nobly constructed.


We fight back, just to hold onto the worth of our souls.