Caitlin Johnstone summed it up — United States brain rot slaughters life

© 2024 Peter Free


24 July 2024



Evil on US autopilot?


From Australian Caitlin Johnstone:



[I]t’s only fitting that the US president’s brains should be leaking out his ears even as the brain rot of the ideology which gave rise to him is exposed in front of the entire world.


There is a kind of poetical beauty in the fact that the so-called “moderates” of western liberalism are cheerleading for the re-election of a half-dead dementia patient while his administration facilitates an active genocide in Gaza, perpetuates a world-threatening proxy war in Ukraine, prepares for war with Lebanon, and militarizes with increasing aggression against Russia and China, all while killing the earth’s ecosystem and contributing to the poverty, sickness and oppression of the American people at home.


The brain rot of their worldview has a guy with an actual rotting brain as its official representative.


The Biden administration has completely discredited every value that western liberals claim to uphold. Peace. Justice. Human rights. A free press. Opposition to racism. Opposition to tyranny.


The “moderates” and “centrists” of the western world are in reality violent extremists, and not just violent extremists but the most murderous and destructive extremist group on the face of this planet.


Not one group on Washington’s list of designated terrorist organizations has a body count that’s even a tiny fraction of what the US empire has racked up just in the 21st century alone.


© 2024 Caitlin Johnstone, The Biden Administration Has Exposed The Brain Rot Of Western Liberals, (13 July 2024)



The moral? — Does this mean that America's belligerently complacent sheepy masses . . .


. . . should be culled for the rest of the world's safety?


Perhaps the (probably nuclear) world war that American leadership covets — via intentional escalations of the conflicts that it has caused in Ukraine, Gaza and toward China — will take care of that.


An illness of Satan-motivated American soul, thereby radiation-therapy cured via the rest of the planet's self-defensive reactions to the United States' perennial mass death-dealing.