Zionist stooge — Donald Trump — is killing the First Amendment
© 2025 Peter Free
15 March 2025
Trump lied about America First?
In keeping with the fact that Zionist Miriam Adelson not-so-figuratively owns him, President Donald Trump is subordinating US interests to Israel's.
This time, by taking a wrecking ball to the Constitution's First Amendment.
All on behalf of Israel's pernicious machinations that equate (a) anti-genocidal anti-Zionism with cognitively easily separable (b) anti-semitism's anti-Jewishness.
The two are radically different things.
Nevertheless, the United States (Israel's enforcement poodle) reflexively follows its genocide-supporting orders:
The US Department of Justice said Thursday that its recently created “Federal Task Force to Combat Antisemitism” will be heading to four US cities as part of the Trump administration’s broad crackdown on college protests critical of Israel.
Civil liberties groups have sounded the alarm about the administration’s crackdown on pro-Palestine protests, including the effort to deport Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder arrested by ICE over the weekend for his role in protests at Columbia.
Khalil has not been accused of a crime, and the administration is trying to deport him by claiming he’s been involved in activities “contrary to US foreign policy.”
© 2025 Dave DeCamp, DOJ Deploys ‘Antisemitism Task Force’ to Four US Cities as Part of Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protests, AntiWar (13 March 2025)
The First Amendment says nothing about . . .
. . . a requirement to comply with US foreign policy.
In fact, the freedom to critique American government — and whatever else one wants to — is a bedrock liberty protected by the Constitution's freedom of speech, assembly and religion provision.
And, with regard to the following indicative news story, so is the Fourth Amendment's prohibition of probable cause-lacking arrests:
Consider that Khalil Mahmoud, an anti-war protester and recent graduate of Columbia University, was arrested on a Saturday night by ICE agents who appeared ignorant of his status as a legal U.S. resident and his rights thereof.
That these very same ICE agents also threatened to arrest Mahmoud’s eight-months-pregnant wife, an American citizen, is also telling.
This does not seem to be a regime that respects the rights of the people.
Indeed, these ICE agents, who were “just following orders” from on high, showed no concern that the orders they had been given were trumped up, politically motivated and unconstitutional.
If this is indeed the first of many arrests to come, what’s next? Or more to the point, who’s next?
We are all at risk.
History shows that when governments claim the power to silence dissent – that power rarely remains limited. What starts as a crackdown on so-called “threats” quickly expands to include anyone who challenges those in power.
President Trump has made it clear that Mahmoud’s arrest is just “the first arrest of many to come.”
He has openly stated his intent to target noncitizens who engage in activities he deems contrary to U.S. interests – an alarmingly vague standard that seems to change at his whim, the First Amendment be damned.
© 2025 John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, When Dissent Becomes a Crime: The War on Political Speech Begins, AntiWar (14 March 2025)
The moral? — Not so grand an American Firster, is he?
Trump is vigorously destroying what he swore to protect.
And he is doing so (like his predecessor Joe Biden did) on another nation's behalf.
Arguably worse, many-to-most of Trump's supporters are too cluelessly vapid to care:
Of all the pathetic, groveling, bootlicking positions anyone could possibly espouse, it’s hard to imagine one more egregious than twisting yourself into cognitive knots trying to find ways to excuse a president crushing free speech in your country to advance the interests of a foreign state after spending years yelling “America First” and whining about freedom of speech, just because that President happens to be a Republican.
When Trump supporters spent all those years yelling about the First Amendment, it turns out they weren’t talking about the need to stop the powerful from silencing inconvenient political speech — they just wanted to be allowed to say “retard” and “tranny” on social media.
As long as they get those completely irrelevant concessions from the powerful, they’ll happily let their government set all kinds of speech-suppressing legal precedents, because they don’t actually have any values or positions which pose any kind of challenge to the powerful.
© 2025 Caitlin Johnstone, People Who Defend Trump’s Assault on Free Speech Are Mindless Sheep, caitlinjohnstone.com.au (11 March 2025)
From this — and the previous administration's equally hapless Democratic Party abandonment of the Constitutions' requirements — we might deduce that We the People are too shortsighted and easily manipulated to recognize and hold onto our former liberties.
With an easily fleeceable voting base like ours today, the United States' 1776-1789 idealized vision of itself vanishes down the cosmic drain.
The unadmirable detritus that remains indicates how internal cancers obliterate what began as a worthy effort.
We now have to look Eastward to see other civilizations' efforts at creating (or protecting) societally worthwhile constructs. America First, surprisingly, turned out only to predict our position in the toilet effluent.
'Sad' — as President Trump would say, without grasping the irony of his wildly contributory behavior.