One cannot join the Fascist Establishment and expect to change it — national intelligence aspirant Tulsi Gabbard conveniently ditches the Fourth Amendment
© 2025 Peter Free
13 January 2025
Chairman Mao's societal rule arguably still reigns
The power to change ruling establishments comes only from gun barrels and their equivalents.
Lack of firearms, and the will to use them, means that nothing about parasitic social structures changes in ways that fundamentally benefit the preyed upon.
Below is an example of how change does not happen
From PunchBowl News:
Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii), President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for director of national intelligence, is changing her tune on a key intelligence-gathering authority she once sought to repeal as her Senate confirmation hangs in the balance.
Gabbard’s past criticisms of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act have emerged as a central issue in her confirmation process, leaving GOP senators — including some in leadership — increasingly skeptical about the former Democrat’s confirmation prospects.
In her first public comments since being nominated, Gabbard told us in an exclusive statement that she now supports Section 702, saying the program is “crucial” and “must be safeguarded to protect our nation while ensuring the civil liberties of Americans.”
“If confirmed as DNI, I will uphold Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights while maintaining vital national security tools like Section 702 to ensure the safety and freedom of the American people,” Gabbard said.
In private meetings, senators are questioning Gabbard about legislation she introduced in 2020 that would repeal Section 702.
However, Gabbard now appears to be walking that back, citing Fourth Amendment protections implemented since then to prevent the incidental collection of Americans’ data:
“My prior concerns about FISA were based on insufficient protections for civil liberties, particularly regarding the FBI’s misuse of warrantless search powers on American citizens. Significant FISA reforms have been enacted since my time in Congress to address these issues.”
© 2025 Andrew Desiderio, Gabbard reverses course on key intel-gathering tool as nomination teeters, PunchBowl News (10 January 2025)
So, according to Gabbard . . .
. . . tyranny-minded Neocon America has magically and invisibly bettered itself.
And today, American Government tracks and monitors us all quite harmlessly.
We can have our Spy and Imprison Cake. And eat it, too.
The moral? — Like an all-engulfing bio-slime, the system forces the ordinary to do its will
Genuine revolutionaries are rare, realistic, and necessarily courageous.
Those qualities separate them from the avaricious and power-hungry mainstream folk, who want a gilded place in our Parasitic Oligarchy.
The United States has not spawned anyone, both prominent and of the necessary moral backbone, to create genuine change in many decades.
Another sign of a culture drowning in a self-created shithole.