Gotta keep the lowbrows caged — so, let's abandon the First Amendment — says John Kerry

© 2024 Peter Free


30 September 2024



Leave it to the United States' imperious know-it-alls . . .


. . . to set the rest of us straight?



John Kerry (one of God's self-appointed Highbrow Angels) . . .


. . . recently pontificated at a World Economic Forum panel, regarding the impediment to societal perfection that the United States' First Amendment so obtusely poses:



Responding to an audience question about “climate misinformation,” Kerry described how social media make it difficult to form consensus and said the First Amendment makes it difficult to weed out “disinformation” online.


"[I]f people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer it out of existence,” Kerry said.


“What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” he added, while acknowledging that different people have other visions for change.


© 2024 James Lynch, John Kerry Says the First Amendment Is Getting in the Way of Online Censorship, National Review (29 September 2024)



So, you see . . .


. . . if John Kerry (and/or his Democratic Party of Forced Conformism) disagrees with you, me, or anyone else equally lowbrow — we are:



certainly wrong


a threat to public wellbeing




should be Nineteen Eighty-Four-extinguished from public view, forevermore.



We can deduce that . . .


. . . according to Kerry, the First Amendment is not one the Founders' greatest achievements, but is, instead, one of those apparently misguided creatures' saddest abominations.



The moral? — John Kerry is indicative of the Wave of Repression . . .


. . . that the United States is currently experiencing via its own decomposing, maggot-infested, tyrannically inclined hands.


And thus, along with the long-crushed Fourth Amendment, the First is disappearing with virtually no trace of regret from our generally somnolent, thoughtless public.


As some of the Founders rightly feared — democracy does not survive among a people too impulsive, given to excess emotion, and lazily ignorant to understand its necessary constraints.


Elitists win.


And sheep go to slaughter.


For their own fleecy good, of course.