Blanket stupidity and cowardice in global leadership — the morality tale inherent in Hassan Nasrallah's murder by Israel

© 2024 Peter Free


29 September 2024



When greatness calls, sitting on one's complacently cowardly ass will get one killed





Lebanese political and militia movement Hezbollah has confirmed that its longtime leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Beirut on Friday.


© 2024 Ilya Tsukanov, Nasrallah’s Death ‘Devastating Blow’ That Will Trigger Escalation of Violence – Lebanese Scholar, Sputnik (28 September 2024)



Nasrallah's death comes after . . .


. . . months of Israel's genocide of Palestinians, including rampaging Zionism's assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.


During all this time, Nasrallah and Hezbollah — like literally everyone else on the planet, except Yemen's admirable Houthis — did essentially nothing to stem the Israel-US-sponsored genocide.


In consequence and undeterred by Hezbollah's unpersuasive token actions — meaning shooting off a few rockets at military rockets hither and yon — Israel finally blew Nasrallah, and many of Hezbollah's other leaders, into the Great Beyond.


A classic example of Arabs, Persians and Turks (among so many others) talking idle warning shit, while the Zionist Devil is actively bashing in the door.



Good riddance?


Paul Craig Roberts' take on the situation is identical to mine:



When Israel committed its forces to Gaza, it was a perfect time for Hezbollah to attack and overrun Israel. But Hezbollah sat on its butt and pissed away its strategic advantage.


Iran also sat on its butt and did nothing but display to Israel Iran’s capability of overcoming the Iron Dome air defense system. By doing so without knocking out Israel, Iran warned Israel of Israel’s vulnerability and pissed away its strategic advantage.


Putin by denying Iran the Russian S-400 air defense system, has permitted Israel to continue to assassinate from the air Hezbollah’s leaders in Iran.


Putin’s failure to protect an ally has strengthened the US/Israeli position in the Middle East and weakened Russia’s.


In effect, Putin is protecting Israeli and US attacks on Syrian territory instead of protecting Russia’s Syrian ally.


Putin also sat on his butt about Ukraine. He did nothing to stop Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government and installation of a neo-Nazi regime.


He permitted a war to continue, now in its third year, with a third world country Russia should have defeated in three weeks, until the West became so involved that now Russia suffers the humiliation of missile and drone attacks deep into Russia.


The inability of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah to think and to act strategically explains why they, and not their enemies, are so hard pressed.


China’s reluctance to fight is based on its ancient military doctrine that it is best to let an enemy wear himself out and to defeat himself than to engage him.


I cannot say whether this is or is not a correct strategy. I can say that it makes China an unreliable mutual defense partner for Russia, because Russia is under pressure right now.


© 2024 Paul Craig Roberts, Israel, the American Neoconservatives, and Satan Are Winning by Default, (23 September 2024)



China, of course, is next on the Zionist-Neocon menu. The United States has repeatedly said and acted so.


Thus, China's perpetual holier-than-thou finger-wag nagging is unlikely to obtain the People's Republic a better outcome than that which seems to be on the horizon for obtusely led Russia, Iran and everyone else on the decomposing United States' nuclear war hit list.


I conclude that (even clever) politicians do not great leaders make. A chess board does not belong on survival's battlefield.


Courage, vision, actively asserted power and intelligent direction do. Bring us an Alexander or Zhukov. Not a Putin, Xi, Erdogan and Nasrallah.


Self-defense is not a fertile ground for the fraidy-cat pussies, who currently head the allegedly rational world.



The moral? — Leaders as suicidally dumb as these do not deserve to survive


So, if I were a belligerently dumbass American neocon, I would keep provocatively pushing — until the human world nukes itself into perdition.


And afterward, from some imagined Other World realm, I could credit myself with having eliminated a profoundly obtuse species from the otherwise life-affirming surface of a planet that (arguably) deserved better.


A win-win, by any rational moral calculation.


From this absurd comedy of easily avoidable strategic errors, we see that deadly parasites — like Israel and the United States — have their Satanically inspired place in the order of extinction-aimed events.


Embrace the doom.


Stupidity and chicken-shittery kill swaths of people to no decent purpose.