Drunken Ukrainian yacht-plotters blew up Nord Stream — says the Deep State's Wall Street Journal

© 2024 Peter Free


16 August 2024



The Wall Street Journal printed the following nonsense


Eagerly making the maliciously idiotic United States a fearsome laughingstock, yet again:



It was the kind of outlandish scheme that might bubble up in a bar around closing time.


In May of 2022, a handful of senior Ukrainian military officers and businessmen had gathered to toast their country’s remarkable success in halting the Russian invasion. Buoyed by alcohol and patriotic fervor, somebody suggested a radical next step: destroying Nord Stream.


After all, the twin natural-gas pipelines that carried Russian gas to Europe were providing billions to the Kremlin war machine. What better way to make Vladimir Putin pay for his aggression?


Just over four months later, in the small hours of Sept. 26, Scandinavian seismologists picked up signals indicating an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption hundreds of miles away, near the Danish island of Bornholm. They were caused by three powerful explosions and the largest-ever recorded release of natural gas, equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of Denmark.


One of the most audacious acts of sabotage in modern history, the operation worsened an energy crisis in Europe—an assault on critical infrastructure that could be considered an act of war under international law. Theories swirled about who was responsible. Was it the CIA? Could Putin himself have set the plan in motion?


Now, for the first time, the outlines of the real story can be told. The Ukrainian operation cost around $300,000, according to people who participated in it.


It involved a small rented yacht with a six-member crew, including trained civilian divers. One was a woman, whose presence helped create the illusion they were a group of friends on a pleasure cruise.


© 2024 Bojan Pancevski, A Drunken Evening, a Rented Yacht: The Real Story of the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage, Wall Street Journal (14 August 2024)



This story is merely a fleshed out version of . . .


. . .  the American Deep State's original tracks-covering yacht fantasy about who did what to whom.


The original story having been provided, so as to give cowardly Germany a convenient excuse for not (correctly) blaming the destruction of their manufacturing-based economy on the United States.



Alex Christoforou . . .


. . . and the comments below his Rumble post give the preposterous Wall Street Journal account the intellectual contempt that it deserves:



Alex Christoforou, WSJ, real story of Nord Stream, Rumble (15 August 2024)



Imagine . . .


American government types are highly paid by the Great American Oligopoly to come up unending streams of similarly malevolently intended drivel.


The Ukraine-sponsored yacht account having been created, so as to cover the United States' generally terrorism-spreading tracks.


Especially so, from the increasingly shrinking number of gullible people (on this planet), who still think of our immoral wreck of nation as President Ronald Reagan's "shining city on a hill":



I have quoted John Winthrop's words more than once on the campaign trail this year—for I believe that Americans in 1980 are every bit as committed to that vision of a shining "city on a hill," as were those long ago settlers.


© 1980 Ronald Reagan, Election Eve Address "A Vision for America", The American Presidency Project (03 November 1980)



When truth vanishes . . .


. . . a viciously malicious form of insanity generally rules.


That's where we (in the West) are today.


Consider (for its supreme irony) that subscribers pay substantial fees to access the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, New York Times, Washington Post and so on.


This is directly akin to paying to have one's mind, and critical thinking ability, destroyed.



The moral? — The Founders' vision for the United States has evaporated . . .


. . . in the institution-polluting crush caused by the fully corrupted American press.


Today, mainstream media enthusiastically forward the US Police State's lies. Rather than concentrating on uncovering concealed truths, as the Founders had hoped.


As a result, preserving a knowledgeable and reality-based republican democracy is impossible.