Viciously nihilistic Senators — versus RFK Jr and We the People

© 2025 Peter Free


01 February 2025



For the slow of wit and the NSA . . .


. . . the following is satire.



Should we bring gulags and reeducation camps back?


We could put everyone associated with the Oligarchy-controlled — Nihilistic Wing — of American government into them.



For example


Consider the morally obscene amount of Senatorial lying and intentionally delivered institutional stupidification that took place at Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Department of Human Health and Human Services confirmation hearings.



An apt video-illustrated summary . . .


. . . of what went on comes from Rebeka Barnett:



What I witnessed at his senate confirmation hearing was a partisan show of primarily Democrat senators acting like children with behavioural problems.


There was yelling, interrupting Kennedy and not allowing him to answer questions (which was the purported purpose of the hearing), throwing around wild, patently false accusations, and hyperventilating over vaccines and abortion.


It was physically aggravating to hear senators spewing lies that have been debunked over and over, even by Kennedy during the hearing, and insist on stripping his quotes of context and nuance in a binary show of political point scoring at the expense of factual accuracy and truthfulness.


Democrats in both hearings repeatedly barked ‘Yes or no! Yes or no!’ at Kennedy when he attempted to respond to their accusatory questions and demands for allegiance to various ideological or policy positions, then accused him of lying on the occasions when he said what they wanted to hear.1


The whole sideshow underlined what the recent US Presidential election result already indicated - that the Democrats have sadly become the party of Big Cartels (e.g.: Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Ag) and have succumbed to such excessively myopic and partisan motivations that they’re unable to conduct themselves as effective representatives of the American people, and or even of their own base.


[Barnett follows the above summary paragraphs with point-proving video clips of these Senatorial devils in action.]


© 2025 Rebekah Barnett, 7 highlights from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s HHS senate confirmation hearings, Dystopian Down Under (01 February 2025)



If you watch Barnett's illustrating video clips . . .


. . . of the hearings, you get the point:



American government does not work, except as a reminder that putting the worst people in charge obliterates all forms of societal goodness.



The moral? — Would reeducation gulags be a good thing?


Provided we could figure out who picks the inmates.


Perhaps artificial intelligence could carry the sorting ball.


Or maybe, just rage-dropping these Adam Henrys into the sea would be a better idea.


That would be cheaper and free up the proposed gulag land for more societally productive purposes.


And the oceans' shark populations would be happy.


As shark food, American government would finally be serving a just purpose.