Missing the strategic point? — Hezbollah sympathizers claim that 8 Israeli military dead is a 'high casualty' rate

© 2024 Peter Free


03 October 2024



Boastful dumbassery — like evidently corrupt Hezbollah's — does not stop genocides


After complacently ineffectual Islamic ass-sitting got lots of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders wiped out, Israel decided to move into Lebanon — so as to continue its morally perverse emulation of the Holocaust.


And after another strategically ineffectual Iranian missile attack on Israel, the conflict in Lebanon continues unabated.


Leading me to think again, that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran — as well as Iran's pseudo-partners, Russia and China — continue to have their heads up their asses — to use that graphically appropriate American idiom.



For example


Demonstrating the Islamic world's inability to grasp Reality's requirement that one actually do something effective to survive Israel's perpetual death-mongering, Islamists weakly propagandize instead.


Here is an example of such — from Islamic World News:



Hezbollah inflicts high casualty on Israeli army:


The Israeli army announced that six commandos from the Egoz Unit (officially Unit 621) and two from the Golani Brigade were killed in battles in southern Lebanon on Wednesday.


In the end, the Israeli forces managed to retreat under the cover of drone strikes and tank fire. The Israeli regime claimed that more than 20 Hezbollah fighters were killed in the attacks.


It appears that the Israeli regime now fully understands that the battles in southern Lebanon will be significantly more costly and challenging for their forces compared to what is occurring in the Gaza Strip.


The first day of the incursion indicates a costly conflict for the Tel Aviv regime with eight dead and dozens injured.


© 2024 Islamic World News, Hezbollah Inflicts High Casualty on Israeli Army, english.iswnews.com (02 October 2024)



In fact, reportedly . . .


Hezbollah came out of the battle at a 2.5 to 1 disadvantage in personnel losses.


How do 8 essentially meaningless Israel soldier losses amount to a successful and historically significant defense against the Zionist onslaught?


This is not like the Vietnam War, where literally millions of combative Vietnamese deaths — eventually and predictably successfully — bled the American Imperialists' side dry of its resolve.


The difference between the Vietnam example and the Islamic one, is that the Vietnamese fully committed themselves to deadly resistance, without once slackening in their warring resolve to purge Vietnam of its colonialist-minded aggressors.


In contrast, Islamic resistance to Zionist Israel has been ineffectually discontinuous and never fully committed across the spectrum of people and nations one would think that it could and should draw from.


Eight deaths among the Israeli Genociders yesterday is not a perceptible drop in potential victory's bucket. Counting and publishing such is a loser's guerilla mentality.


This body count nonsense parallels the United States' tactically and strategically meaningless enemy body counts, taken from among the North Vietnamese Army and its Viet Cong partners.


Resolve and effectualness are the only viable strategic points.


On those, Israel is all in.


And the leaders of Zionism's prey are not. And have never been.


One can (reluctantly) see where Israel's morally repulsive, genocidally inclined, arrogance comes from.



The moral? — Islamic leaders' stupidity, complacence and cowardice continues


With the sole exception being the Houthis. Who, as a group, exemplify what successful international anti-tyrannical behavior looks like.


Meanwhile, Zionist Israel — and its satanically-led United States puppet — continue to wreak havoc among poorly led, powerless innocents.


If ever there was a justification for the Manichean view of life on this planet, these circumstances are it.


Once might wonder, why soulful good almost always loses to raw evil. At least on this Earthly plane.