Government so foul, that it should be smothered forever? — hurricane Helene's finalizing dot of proof

© 2024 Peter Free


04 October 2024



A government worthy of becoming the backdrop . . .


. . . at a metaphorical shooting range?


'Quoth the Raven' (QTR on Substack) and millions of the rest of us are on the same page, regarding the horrific quality of American federal government:



After the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene, FEMA has all of a sudden come out and said it doesn’t have enough funds to make it through hurricane season. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned this week that FEMA is running low on funds.


“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” Mayorkas said. “FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.”


I’ve spent the last four years watching as millions of people have crossed unchecked through our southern border and have been treated like royalty by the Biden administration while everyday citizens struggle with rising prices, crumbling infrastructure, and the negative effects of suffocating regulation.


I’ve also spent the last four years watching the United States dole out close to $50 billion in foreign aid, mainly to Ukraine to help it press on with a war that realistically it has little chance of winning, while shaking down waitstaff, Uber drivers and anybody using Venmo for purposes of more than $600 for tax receipts.


And in my short time in the world of finance, I’ve seen enough omnibus spending bills—with funds allocated for things like [a] border security in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman and [b] family planning to halt population growth that "threatens biodiversity or endangered species"—to have developed a deep loathing for how our government and our Treasury manage finances.


So when sorry-ass Alejandro Mayorkas—who has sworn up and down for the last three years that there’s no crisis at the southern border while parts of the country have been overrun and overwhelmed by unchecked, undocumented, and sometimes criminal migrants—takes to publicly decrying that FEMA is out of money in the midst of one of the largest domestic disasters in the country’s history, it’s absolutely revolting to watch.


© 2024 Quoth the Raven, The Reprehensible Audacity Of FEMA Being Broke, (03 October 2024)



Political conservative Isabella Mari DeLuca tweeted the following partial summary . . .


. . . of US government's scumbaggery:



So far this year, the United States has given:


- $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine.

- $11,300,000,000 to Israel.

- $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia.

- $1,600,000,000 to Jordan.

- $1,400,000,000 to Egypt.

- $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan.

- $1,100,000,000 to Somalia.

- $1,000,000,000 to Yemen.

- $987,000,000 to Congo.

- $896,000,000 to Syria.

- $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.


And Americans who have lost everything to Hurricane Helene will be getting $750, courtesy of FEMA.



Meanwhile, in the Helene's swath of destruction


The Feds are reportedly — see a variety of YouTubers' on-the-ground coverage:



Seizing private citizens aid packages from being delivered to the hurricane's victims. This, reportedly so as to protect government-favored Oligarchs' alleged contractual right to profit from the disaster.


Preventing private aircraft flights of aid into the region.


Banning drone activity recording the wreckage.


And generally doing everything that it can to allow government incompetence to run rampant, while people are suffering.



In sum, president Bush II and hurricane Katrina, magnified beyond recognition.



The moral? —  It is time to get rid of these government people


I am speaking of the entire Federal structure's leadership.


Virtually every one of these immoral, murderously insane and oligarchically controlled twits — directly or not — regularly commits treason against the American people.


Paying for, arming, and helping direct the genocide in Gaza and Lebanon is only one of their crimes in aid of a foreign government. Not to mention doing the exactly same in support of literal Nazis in Ukraine.


On Nuremburg's legal grounds (if actually enforced), these influential government parasites would hang by the neck, until dead.


After such proceedings of law, we just might get American moral decency — to itself and others — back again.