Is American government literally crazy? — Caitlin Johnstone's summarizing satire

© 2025 Peter Free


24 January 2025



Being an elderly product . . .


. . . of once somewhat sane American times, I have seen the United States' devolve into rampaging insanity.


Australia's Caitlin Johnstone, substantially younger than I am, sees this also.



Below, Johnstone summarizes what has happened


Slightly reformatted:



During her Senate confirmation hearing for UN ambassador, Trump nominee Elise Stefanik was asked by Senator Chris Van Hollen if she agreed with Israeli Nazis Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotritch that Israel has a “Biblical right” to the West Bank.


Stefanik said yes.


It’s so wild how bat shit insane religious delusions are almost a prerequisite for acceptance in the highest echelons of Official Washington.


These confirmation hearings are like[:]



“Are you mentally ill enough to do US foreign policy?”


“Yes, I have the requisite mental illnesses to do US foreign policy.”


“Your brain is a festering stew of psychosis and you have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality?”


“Yes, I promise that is the case.”



The world is ruled by religious fanatics with nukes.


If a normal person says they’re the second coming of Jesus Christ they get medicated and institutionalized.


If you make equally insane religious claims on the Senate floor, they let you run an empire.


© 2025 Caitlin Johnstone, Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement for US Empire Managers, (22 January 2025)



Do notice that . . .


The US constitution explicitly prohibits religion-based government.


Yet, here we are with a Zionist-Christian fanaticism test for holding American government office.


Even more insanely, accompanying that religious test — the applicant must tacitly (or explicitly) agree with the idea that mass-murdering Palestinians, and stealing their lands, is an admirably worthy US imperial endeavor.



The moral? — Have we become an Ark populated by psychotic monkeys?


Going against the Founders' aims, the American Republic has been taken over by the mentally and morally worst among us.


Ironically, this Constitution-reversing development provides a religiously applicable evil-society parable.