US stooge group NATO — plays the victim card — so that it can start world war 3

© 2024 Peter Free


26 November 2024



These people


After US proxy Ukraine launched American missiles at Russia — necessarily with US operators' assistance — NATO's Netherlands admiral Rob Bauer — who is admirably fluent in English and chairman of the alliance's Military Committee — allegedly told the public that:



"It is more competent not to wait, but to hit launchers in Russia in case Russia attacks us. A combination of precision strikes is needed that will disable the systems that are used to attack us, and we must strike first," Bauer said, quoted by Bloomberg.


© 2024 EurAsia Daily, NATO is discussing the possibility of preemptive strikes against Russia — Bauer, (25 November 2024)



That's the United States in a nutshell


Our morally repulsive, genocidally inclined logic is the same as Zionist Israel's.


The planet's two most consistent warmongers reliably cast themselves as being victims of the very people whom they relentlessly oppress and mass kill.



The moral? — Murder-prone aggression and personal cowardice . . .


. . . characterize the entirety of American leadership and too much of its often clueless population.


Paul Craig Roberts' perspective is accurate:



If not insanity, it is the triumph of evil that the West tells Putin, whose patience is the only guarantor of avoidance of nuclear war, that NATO is considering preemptive strikes on Russia.


We now have NATO, a puppet organization of Washington, telling Putin to expect a first strike attack to prevent him from making good on his warning about starting a war with Russia.


For a person of my generation, such callous disregard for human life as Western “leaders” proclaim is incomprehensible.


With nuclear war on the table, the task is to defuse the threat, not to inflame it. But the insane West has chosen to inflame it.


© 2024 Paul Craig Roberts, The Utter and Total Insanity of Western “Leadership”, (25 November 2024)



Maniacally insane.


Satanically psychotic.


That's us.