Inverted government functions — Brett Weinstein's question about action

© 2024 Peter Free


06 October 2024



What was (and is) the Second Amendment for?


From Brett Weinstein:



How many of our governmental institutions do we need to witness performing the INVERSE of their intended function before we understand that we are under attack?



FEMA enflames disasters


DOD issues stand down orders to the most capable and well equipped Americans as fellow citizens needlessly die in the mountains


FDA authorizes poison and bans medicine


CDC causes diseases to spread and distributes misinformation


Homeland security facilitates an invasion


FBI instigates insurrection and hides evidence


NIH/NIAID literally creates infectious human pathogens that destroy health


It’s a struggle to find even a SINGLE counter example to this pattern



This is not the pattern we would expect if the problem was simply one of corruption.


Once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action, as they say in military circles.


We’re now talking about dozens of institutions at every level of governance including international, hundreds of separate instances, a pattern occurring now across the West.


So the question is, what now?


© 2024 Brett Weinstein, (04 October 2024)



The moral? — Government so foul . . .


. . . that it should be smothered forever?


Virtually every one of these immoral, murderously insane and oligarchically controlled federal government leadership twits — directly or not — regularly commits treason against the American people.


Given pertinent American history — on Nuremburg's legal grounds (if actually enforced) — these government parasites would hang by the neck, until dead.


Of course, it would take a population of Not-Sheep to begin the required proceedings. Which is probably where Americans' self-preservation predictably runs aground.


A public too belligerently somnolent to remember even yesterday, is unlikely to do anything useful, ever:



"The government would never abandon the people during a crisis!"


Did you all memory-hole Maui? Houston? Katrina? Flint [. . .] Michigan?


© 2024 Just.A.Thought@e_galv, (04 October 2024)



Establishment propaganda saves treason-doers and perpetuates Oligarchy's pillaging.