Psychopathic psychological projection — Epoch Times accuses China of being responsible for world disorder

© 2024 Peter Free


07 October 2024



Psychologically twisted


From the Epoch Times:



A more realistic rationale for China’s rising aggression on the world stage is that Beijing feels the need to control the narrative at home and intimidate the rest of the world. The spillover between a declining economy and rising unrest is clear.


At home, the CCP needs to blame the West and other foreigners for its blatant economic failures not only for exculpatory purposes but also to whip up nationalism and justify further aggressions as economic conditions continue to deteriorate.


Some observers have concluded that Beijing’s days of wolf warrior diplomacy are now over. Current events, however, defy such a conclusion.


These include the Chinese regime’s provocative incursions with military planes and boats into or near territorial waters or air space of the United States, Taiwan, and the Philippines, border battles with India, as well as a desire to expand control of the South China Sea. On the global stage, as the return to bullets over diplomacy rises, Beijing sees an opportunity to influence and/or intimidate other nations.


© 2024 James Gorrie, As Unrest in Communist China Grows, So Does Its Aggression on the World Stage, Epoch Times (03 October 2024)



It's all China's fault?


Implicitly, according to the US Propaganda Machine, America's many decades of fostering terror all over the world are being worryingly challenged by the scheming Chinese.


China, we are to believe, is jealous of our American freedom to kill and destroy whatever our streams of insanity move us to.


Including the exterminations that American leadership has caused in Ukraine and the Middle East. Not to mention decades of previously similar swaths of carnage that US leadership imposed upon reasonably innocent populations.


We Americans (according to the Epoch Times' perfect representation of American media propaganda) must not let China's comparatively minor forays, in standing up for its own interests, interfere with our own mass-plundering mentality.


Historically astute readers will have noticed that every (URL-linked) Epoch Times example of alleged Chinese aggression was either:



(a) prompted by the West's active interference and trespass in China's affairs




(b) an example of a very long-standing historical dispute between China and another nation.



The moral? — 'Beware the Chinese Tide' . . .


. . . is the United States' message to the world.


Using that psychopathically originated story to distract from America's vastly-vastly greater sins.


This grandest of lying distortion is typical of American leadership. It is no wonder that most of the rest of the planet is sick of us.


Notice that repetitively specious US media articles, like this one in the Epoch Times, accurately paint the United States as murderously crazy and completely un-self-aware.


Not an admirable place to be. And one that certainly explains the decline of the United States' soft power to literal zero.