Imagine being leader of a Pretend Free World — that overflows with cowardly warmongers

© 2025 Peter Free


02 March 2025





For three years, I have been appalled by Western ignoramuses' support for Nazi-controlled Ukraine.


It has been as if History does not exist, and World War 2's anti-Nazis mysteriously morphed into a subsequent generation of people advocating for Nazi control of the world.


Immoral insanity.


At its most vicious.



Today's case in point


In the wake of President Trump's chastisement of Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House, the above mentioned tide of virtue-signaling — metaphorically 'lemming' — Nazis volubly opposed peace in Ukraine.


See, for example, Viva Frei's posted examples of such — here:



Viva Frei, Slava Ukraini? Politicians Have Melddown after Trump & Vance Give Zelensky a Firm Public Spanking!, YouTube (01 March 2025)



From this mass eruption of clueless dopes . . .


. . . sane people might conclude, exactly as Viva Frei did:



If you stand with Ukraine, go stand with Ukraine in Ukraine.


If you want to support Ukraine, go fight for the army that can't find any more people to send to the slaughter.


If you are a politician in any country other than Ukraine[,] flying the Ukraine flag in your profile, resign and go to Ukraine.


And if you're not prepared to do that, shut your filthy virtue-signaling mouth, and let Ukraine and Russia figure it out.


And had you shut your filthy ignorant traps from day one[,] instead of being a bunch of virtue-signaling politically ignorant useful idiots on the Internet, you might have actually saved 100,000+ people's lives.


But hey, they weren't your kids.


So go ahead and stand with Ukraine.




© 2025 Viva Frei, Slava Ukraini? Politicians Have Melddown after Trump & Vance Give Zelensky a Firm Public Spanking!, YouTube (01 March 2025) (at 8:25)



In truth


The lives lost have probably already topped 1 million.


And yet still, we have the above-described Western Fat Cats trying to overwhelm the current American president's efforts to stop the war.


A virulent conflict which, most pertinently, the United States itself provoked for no rationally defensible strategic reasons.


Evidently, many in the West oppose an American return to ethically defensible common sense.



The moral? — With its astonishingly massive population of . . .


. . . yellow-bellied warmongers, the once arguably worthy aspects of Western Civilization are probably irretrievably lost.


Given the massive task of reinjecting some strands of common sense into our decadent culture — I can think of no one better suited to the task than the admirably resilient Donald Trump.


Think back to the convoluted ways that we arrived to this point.


Mysterious, no?