Respect for Donald Trump's admirable toughness

© 2024 Peter Free


15 July 2024



A tiny spark in the United States' dismal gloom?


Former president Donald Trump has absolutely proven one admirable thing about his character. He is tough, resilient and seemingly will never give up — in spite of the fascist US government's turning him into a target.


Despite my disrespect for Donald Trump's lazily incompetent — and crassly narcissistic — former ship-of-state leadership, he has set himself apart from the rest of the Deep State's parasitic cowards by demonstrating respect-worthy personal resilience and, at least occasionally, situational awareness.



For example


We have seen Donald Trump hounded by the entirety of the US Deep State since 2016.


Initially, with intelligence agencies' (assisted by our corrupt FBI) made-up stories and baseless allegations of treason.


Harassed afterward, by the Biden administration's unconscionably corrupt lawfare. That un-constitutional charade blanketly accepted by the apparently decay-rotted US justice system.


And now, just two days ago, nearly assassinated. Seemingly via the unholy murderous machinations of this same fascist Deep State.


The same fascist state that had (until after the attempt on taking Trump's life) denied presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Secret Service protection — despite the previous assassinations of his father and uncle.


That, in itself, being a revealing indicator of the Biden Gang's always demonic intent.



Heartfully impressed


I was, two days ago, heartfully elevated by Evan Vucci's photograph of former president Trump's raised fist. Blood dripping from his apparently bullet-torn ear.


This man has been through multiple levels of hellish persecution. Those witch-burnings being entirely crafted by his political opponents and enforced by the Oligarchic Leeches, who riddle this nation's fabric.


Yet still, Donald Trump refuses to go down.



The moral? — Donald Trump is arguably better than they are


Low-low bar, though that may be.


Astonishingly, given our odious times, Donald Trump does not manifest the loathsome 'always be careful what you say against the mainstream' cowardice that marks virtually the entirety of the rest of the American political and legal system.


In this dark Age of American Decline, We the People can be appreciative of this (admittedly inconsistent and completely undependable) quality in Trump and (more consistently) in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


Sure, Donald Trump might be (and probably is) a bad, dishonorable and tyranny-embracing guy. Just like the rest of power-hungry parasites that run the United States. But at least, he has a deep streak of honestly acquired personal psychic strength that anyone (who is rational) can admire.


Trump's genuine, though arguably deluded, resilience sets him apart from the other human worms-in-power that we have to endure every day. Like virtually the entirety of the Biden administration. Murder-inclined, weaseling, cowardly grubs. Despicable in all respects.


In the midst of this country's crushing moral darkness and institutional decomposition, We the People have been reduced to being grateful for even the slimmest, rare glimmers of genuine personal worth in someone of influence. Even if narcissistic in impulse.


This is, depressingly, a telling comment about the depth and breadth of the moral abyss that envelops the United States today.


Nevertheless, thank you — former President Trump — for giving us a memorable example of psychic strength. No matter how tainted in origin it might be.