California's scumbag government model — concisely dissected by Ryan McMacken

© 2025 Peter Free


16 January 2025



Government's obligation . . .


. . . to keep its societal defense and infrastructural improvement parts of the Social Contract is out of fashion in the United States.



By way of especially egregious example . . .


. . . California is where one goes to see the public sector blatantly enriching itself at hapless taxpayers' expense.


Whether those taxpayer losses are calculated in mere money, or via the society-dependent physical condition of We the People's properties.



Ryan McMaken . . .


. . . who lists some officials' ridiculously high salaries and how incompetently they do their duties, concisely summarized what led to the Los Angeles' fiery devastation:



Dry fire hydrants. Millionaire firemen. High crime. Crumbling infrastructure.


Is this that “civilization” that Oliver Wendell Holmes [quoted earlier in the essay] was talking about? Possibly.


Contra the clueless Holmes, however, taxes are definitely not the price we pay for civilization. If anything, taxes destroy civilization by funneling resources to extractive state organs which work primarily to enrich themselves and the ruling oligarchy.


And why should ordinary people expect any real services in exchange for all those enormous taxes they pay, year after year? They shouldn’t.


The state looks out for the state and its closest friends. It doesn’t look out for the people who pay the bills, except on occasion and by accident in pursuit of some good public relations.


Instead, state organizations like the City of Los Angeles will spend endless hours and mountains of resources on rewarding politically connected interest groups and on endless meetings about micro-aggressions and diversity hires and on censoring critics.


Fighting fires? That’s a mere afterthought.


© 2025 Ryan McMaken, The LA Fires: The “Social Contract” Is Nonsense, and No One Is Coming to Save You, (16 January 2025)



Under normal circumstances . . .


. . . and in a society not populated by somnolently spineless sheep, these things would not happen.


At least not with the overwhelming frequency that the United States displays on a daily basis.


Instead, pillaging government officials, and those who enable them, would be figuratively (or not) hanging from lamp posts.



The moral? — California's government-caused conflagration . . .


. . . metaphorically foretells the American future.


The United States' reigning cultural paradigm is so devoid of anything except rampaging avarice, that we drown in our own excrescently mindless drool.


If American education were not so deliberately incompetent, swaths of the public might remember and even act upon Thomas Jefferson's statement regarding how to repair our tyrannically oligarchic societal condition.


That We the Ostensible People do not know or remember who Jefferson even was — can be attributed to how effective our extorted taxes are in paying this Fat Cat-owned Government to brain-hobble us, via its incessant (always lying) propaganda.


Continual mind-molding imbecilicizes (a verb) us into allowing corporatist parasites to funnel the public's national wealth into their Fascist Oligarchy's personal coffers.


With literal or figurative flames licking our asses, one would think that some of us might finally begin to wake up.