Bernie Sanders, the Democrats' pro-Labor pretender — does his traitorous dance again

© 2025 Peter Free


13 February 2025



I gave up on Senator Bernie Sanders . . .


. . . that posturing clown, when he so meekly surrendered to Hillary 'War Bitch' Clinton in 2016.



And now, he's back again and in similar form


This time, pretending to care about eliminating 'Oligarchy':



Bernie Sanders, the two-time presidential candidate, is barnstorming Iowa and Nebraska to rally voters against what he calls “the oligarchy” — the kind of high-profile offensive that typically signals a potential run for the White House.


But in [83 year old] Sanders’ case, he’s more likely paving the way for someone to follow in his footsteps.


At a moment when the party lacks a clear leader, Sanders’ voice could carry more weight among Democrats than usual. He is one of the few people on the left who can break through the fragmented media environment and command national attention.


Sanders is hoping to use that megaphone to invigorate a demoralized liberal base to fight back against President Donald Trump and billionaire Elon Musk as they slash the federal government, his allies said.


© 2025 Holly Otterbein, Bernie Sanders launches high-profile offensive against ‘the oligarchy’, Politico (12 February 2025)



Notice that Politico . . .


. . . recently alleged to be a Government-funded propaganda outlet — is advancing this motivationally false, but attention-diverting tale, of Senator Sanders' claimed Common Person allegiance.



In short


Senator Sanders partisanly wants to end Trump-Musk's efforts to weaken the blood-sucking American Deep State.


This, of course, is exactly the same Deep State that Democrats, over the last few decades, have been using to advance their own lucre-swilling corruption at We the People's expense.


It is, therefore, not-surprising that purported 'Man of the People' Bernie would suddenly be trotted out to claim that he is up in arms about Evil Republicans allegedly seeking the oligarchic Deep State's demise.



The moral? — Bernie Sanders, the quintessential pretender


Fully owned by the American Corporatist Establishment. And always working on its behalf to propagandize We the People out of existence.


Operating under cover of this same Plutocratic Government's — 'we only want to help you' — lying mantra.


A parasitic worm parading himself as something else.