SWAT training emphasizes not killing innocents — Zionist Israel emphasizes the reverse

© 2024 Peter Free


14 June 2024



In Israel, mass slaughter is all in good fun


When I trained in Special Weapons and Tactics, the emphasis was on not harming innocents.


Not so in Israel, which emphasizes killing and maiming as many non-criminal people, including hostages, as possible.


For example, Israel's recent Nuseirat hostage-rescue massacre murdered (at least) 274 innocent Palestinians — including 64 children — plus purportedly 3 of the hostages themselves — and wounded another 700 haplessly uninvolved souls.


No skillfully displayed rescue finesse there.



The moral? — Simple . . .


The only thing Israel has been demonstrating in recent months is its fundamental incompatibility with coexisting with the rest of humanity.


From a strategic perspective, the horrifically ongoing demonstration of Israel's incorrigible evil may — or may not — constitute an even more impressive military victory for Hamas — than the morally questionably conceived 07 October 2023 attack that reignited it.