Herding sheep — concise observers' quotes related to the 2024 Harris-Trump debate

© 2024 Peter Free


11 September 2024



Suicidal American ship of state?


Paul Craig Roberts wrote the following about the 9/11 attack. An attack that did not happen in the way that the American Establishment pretends that it did.


Roberts' concluding question about 9/11 is pertinent because the Harris-Trump debate took place on 9/11's anniversary and that Idiots' Revelry reveals a similar Establishment attempt to herd Americans into mind-controlled, ignoramus-preserving enslavement.


I slightly reformatted Roberts' statement for point-by-point clarity:



An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters[:]


caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning,


caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail,


caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to collapse into dust by flying hijacked airliners into them,




[caused an] attack the Pentagon using maneuvers of which airliners and pilots are incapable




[caused the destruction of] the section of the Pentagon where the documents were that explained where the Pentagon’s missing billions or was it trillions of dollars had gone.


During these hours of activity the US Air Force was unable to get interceptors off the ground, and no evidence has ever been found of the passengers on the four hijacked airliners.


But an undamaged passport of one of the alleged hijackers were found in the ruins of two hundred-storied skyscrapers.


And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story.


It is totally obvious that all 3 buildings were wired for demolition. Building 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration, and the two towers at essentially the same speed. This can only be achieved by controlled demolition.


If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them?


What explains American fists rising not against Washington but against Muslim countries that had nothing to do with it?


If the American population is incapable of paying attention, how does it expect to remain free?


© 2024 Paul Craig Roberts, The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001, paulcraigroberts.org (10 September 2024)



In a similarly critiquing vein


Regarding the presidential candidates' debate last night, two pertinent observations arose.



The first one . . .


. . . being a debate performance summary from M. C. Armstrong:



Last night was a 99 cent shit show.


Nothing but vitriol and rehash.


Not a single new idea.



To Armstrong's fair-minded synopsis, I would add that this silly Harris-Trump debate:



Included nearly 100 percent lies from both dumbass sides.


As well as the visibly one-sided (pro-Harris) pretend fact-checking from the debate's Oligarchy-puppeted ABC moderators.


Who, nevertheless, did occasionally ask some pointed, cogent questions. With (unfortunately for truth and fairness) the most prickly queries being exclusively directed at former president Trump.



A second, generalizing observation . . .


. . came from Left Kinect's reference to ancient Rome — correctly or not attributing the following quote to Marcus Tullius Cicero:



The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.



A quotation which, in my estimation, pretty nicely sums the entirety of the so-called American Experience these last few decades.


Including our national penchant for self-righteously slaughtering wide swaths of people for money and fun.



The moral? — If one is not observant enough to know . . .


. . . what the societal point to protecting liberty and genuine justice is (or was) — how can one efficiently and effectively defend personal freedoms against our Fascist Plutocracy's willful destruction of both?


In light of our population's rabid insouciance, as Roberts characteristically terms it, the American ship of state sinks into deserved future oblivion.


The two quasi-imbecilic, presidency-desiring posturers — whom we had to endure last night — are superb evidence of our country's decline into unadulterated, bellicose moron-i-tude.


For a contrasting historical perspective, compare the combative acuity exhibited by this nation's Founders to the ranting brainlessness that we witness today.


We can reasonably conclude that a suicide-aimed bullet has already gone through America's brain.


And now, we just bounce around in the dying convulsions of a decomposed societal nervous system.