When the United States cannot compete — due to cowardice, lack of will or foresight — its answer is to censor and ban

© 2024 Peter Free


15 September 2024



Ours is a declining American nation, led by vicious twerps


Below is the morally reprehensible:



genocidally inclined




Secretary of State Antony Blinken


wormy-boy pontificating


against any truth


that counters the United States'


constant stream of Establishment-concocted lies.



Here is what Secretary Blinken said


In extracts:



Accurate information is vital to the health of any democracy.


First, we’re building a more resilient global information system, where objective facts are elevated and deceptive messages gain less traction.


Second, we’re working to expose, to disrupt, to deter disinformation. 


Third, we’re taking steps to hold accountable those who weaponize disinformation to undermine our democracy.


That’s what we did just last week when the State Department, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department, the FBI took a series of coordinated actions to counter Russian influence and interference in our elections and in our democracy.


In addition to imposing sanctions, visa restrictions, and other measures, the State Department also designated the Russian state-funded and directed media company Rossiya Segodnya and five of its subsidiaries, including RT, under the Foreign Missions Act.


As a result, these actors are now required to notify the State Department of all personnel working in the United States as well as their property.


We took these steps based on our conclusion that Rossiya Segodnya and these five subsidiaries are no longer merely firehoses of Russian Government propaganda and disinformation; they are engaged in covert influence activities aimed at undermining American elections and democracies, functioning like a de facto arm of Russia’s intelligence apparatus.


RT’s expanded covert capabilities allow it to deepen coordination with traditional Russian intelligence services as they work to manipulate the outcome of democratic elections in the United States but also around the world.


Russian weaponization of disinformation to subvert and polarize free and open societies extends to every part of the world.  In response, today the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada are launching a joint diplomatic campaign to rally allies and partners around the world to join us in addressing the threat posed by RT and other machinery of Russian disinformation and covert influence.


© 2024 U.S. Department of State, Secretary Antony J. Blinken Remarks to the Press, state.gov (13 September 2024)



If you think . . .


. . . about Blinken's accusations, you cannot help but notice that he is projecting everything that US government (and the Oligarchy that controls it) does on a daily basis — onto RT.


And doing so, without providing any persuasive evidentiary justification for the allegations.


This is exactly like 2016's, now proven to have been made up, 'RussiaGate' ploy against then presidential candidate Donald Trump.





The United States is, we can infer from Blinken's words, so intellectually and morally weak, that it cannot trust its citizens and residents to detect what is true from what is not.


American leaders, we can reasonably surmise, therefore prefer to 'tyrant' over a bunch of intentionally mind-controlled ignoramuses.


Ergo, the US ban on Huawei technology, the proposed elimination of TikTok, and the constantly repeating assault against Russia and RT.


From this Deep State fervor to control speech and perception, one understands American Government's continuing attack on even domestic truth-tellers.


In that regard, recall Pastor Niemöller's lamenting observation about what happens, when resistance to tyranny is lackadaisically delayed.



The moral? — The United States' increasingly dictatorial circumstances reverse . . .


. . . what America's founders had in mind.


One might wonder, then, whether our currently imposed anti-liberty and anti-inquiry circumstances have arrived via oligarchical design.


If such a rationally justified suspicion creeps into observant minds, societal perspective regarding our propagandized reality will favorably change.


This expanded perception will anchor the anti-warmongering liberation that Australian Caitlin Johnstone regularly encourages people to seek.


Someday, we might even credit demonically inspired worms like Secretary Blinken — and the entirety of the Neocon Establishment — for inadvertently sickening most of us enough to see it.


That is an only remotely achievable hope, I grant. Declining empires (generally always) become blinder and more corrupt, than they already were.


Such an ignominious ending is the societal price for having embraced deadly sin, as a matter of organizing principle.

