Are American Neocons the parasites that test the strength of other nations' immune systems? — the Syrian example
© 2024 Peter Free
08 December 2024
Seems so
Syria, as we knew it, appears to have bitten the dust — in just a few days, under the terrorist 'rebel' attacks generated by the US-Turkey-Zionist Devils Cabal.
Bashar al Asad's evidently rot-perforated regime reportedly took virtually instant flight and left the country's population to cope with these Islamist nutcases' unleashed doings.
Eastern leadership's incompetence in action?
Historically speaking, Syria is likely to be recorded as one of the most impressively fast-moving examples of Death via American Neocon Virus.
Is 'yay' an appropriate reaction?
I suspect so.
The Syrian situation is somewhat similar to having razed a crime-ridden, rickety ghetto so as to put something more coherently and noxiously prickly in its place.
Or alternatively, to killing off a uselessly elderly patient, so as to make way for new (and presumably happy-to-be) babies.
Americans appreciate fostering deadly prickliness that is, ostensibly, on our Shining City on a Hill's side.
All in Darwin's evolutionary name, you see.
The US loves creating extremes that uproot millions of lives
This trait appears to be part of our core national nature.
So, let those extremes continue to be manufactured.
Perhaps this enthusiastically destructive practice will continue to life-line our otherwise self-dribbled-away economy.
The moral? — Love of Nihilism (arguably a spiritual sin) will . . .
. . . eventually, come back to bite some of us.
Admittedly a karmic dismembering of probably the wrong people. Meaning complete innocents. But still, at least a karmic response of some kind.
An entertainingly deadly frolic — beloved by virtually all of us in the US-vassalized West — will have taken place.
And we can (thus) be proud of having turned much of the world into a collapsing Intensive Care Unit.
Regarding America's national self-esteem — happily, I am informed — virtually no one in the United States still cares what Disappeared Jesus would say.
So, it's all good, ain't it?
Rampant psychosis — we are told by our parasitically fascist Oligarchs — heals.