Dither Boy Putin and his fellow incompetents in the East — will they be done in by the American Devils Gang?

© 2024 Peter Free


07 December 2024



This is just one possible view of current happenings in Syria . . .


. . . and the evidence those add to an overall evaluation of the competence — or not — of the state of world leadership.


I advance the following as an arguable hypothesis regarding what is to come.



First, a theme-coordinating premise


It is difficult to survive a maniacal tiger's attack, if one is a pusillanimous dope.



Enter arguable 'dinner-to-be' Vladimir Putin . . .


. . . and his colleague in arms, the commerce-oriented Xi Jinping.


We can hypothesize, based on recent history, that neither has the proactive wit — or the strategic spine — necessary to fend off the West's blood-sucking nihilists.



Beginning with Russia


Here we are in December 2024, more than 10 years after the United States 'couped' Nazis into power in Ukraine and those Nazi proxies began killing Russians at will.


Dithering Putin let that massacre go on for 8 years. To the tune of 14,000 dead, before he finally got off his legalistically bureaucratic chair and decided to intervene.


This 'special military operation' intervention — again in typical Putin style — interminably proceeded in half-committed fashion.



So now . . .


Russia is surprised that no one took its recent Oreshnik missile demonstration seriously.


The West is still happily having its Ukro-Nazi proxies lob US and Euro missiles — with NATO's own operators doing the targeting and launching — into the Russian Homeland.



A second premise


The above is what happens, when one does not have the self-defensive ferocity necessary to cut a bully's balls of at the pass. To forge a mangled territorial metaphor.



In Syria, it has been the same story for Russia


Former president Obama began an attempt to unseat Syria's Bashar al Assad, during the former's residency.  This, apparently in a lunatic effort to mimic Obama's previously strategically idiotic overthrow of Libya's Gaddafi.


To counter the Americans' meddling and protect its own actual national interests there, Russia finally intervened. But again in half-assed fashion.


After years of battling, the conflict was swept under a loosely confined carpet, but the West-financed jihadists were never eliminated. Instead, they were left alive and organized. Today, that same West-sponsored terrorist crew is erupting again to take over the country.


Russia is now besieged on two battle fronts, as well as another presently developing (courtesy of the virulent US) in Georgia.


Might one think that strategic acumen on the Russian side is somewhat lacking?



Then, there's passive China — also in the dinner boat


The People's Republic has been passively watching all of the above go on in its nearly all-encompassing mercantilist fashion.


Meaning without actually getting its own hands dirty and (instead) hoping that Russia will do the bloody work necessary to keep China's geographic-vulnerability ship afloat.


Witness (again) in debatable evidence of this statement, the current Syrian situation.


China is dependent on Iranian oil. And its Belt and Road Initiative completely depends upon the maintenance of peace and order in the Middle East.


Yet, with Syria in forced disintegration, so as to strategically further the West's relentless attack on Iran — have we witnessed any effectual Chinese contribution to keeping metaphorical Satan's Israeli-American-Turkiye Boys from their chaos-inducing frolic?


Not really.



From a very sour on-high perspective


Is it time that world leadership's Pusillanimity Quotient be lowered by the extinction of those who carry the gene?


Will Darwinian Mayhem rule in advancing this outcome?


Perhaps an eventual Alexander or Khan phoenix will rise from the ashes to force an eventual defense of ethically decent behavior.


More likely, however, the West will blood-suck the planet to death. And then wither away, due to the disappearance of corpulently easy targets.


Realistically speaking, most of humanity — including its leaders — are prone to being 'what's for dinner' — rather than 'what's not'.


This is not new. Although, I do wonder whether courage is more absent among the planet's most prominent world leaders than it was in the past.



An especially dark view


As this evolutionary genetic selection takes place — you, I and the rest of us will (most likely) perish as a result of our witless choices in leadership:



'Us American guys' for the demons we put into office.


And 'them Russian and Chinese guys' for their haplessly passive rationalists.



More genes for Evolution's discard pile.


Unless, of course, ant hills are on the Future's evolutionary menu. Which at this point, seems quite likely.


Happily, I suppose ants do not bemoan their genetically imposed positions and tasks. There may be solace in such an ending.


And so — in relaxed and accepting complacence — we can gather our popcorn and beer, while we witness the in-progress making of our more-likely-than-not Ant Human future.


Have a happy Christmas season.


Jesus, somehow, seems to have gotten lost in America's parade to putrescence.


No one seems to have noticed. Obama's pluralism, I guess.



The moral? — Weakness and perceived weakness encourage Neocon America's attacks


No wonder that the United States' maniacal leaders are rabidly foaming at their mouths. Russia, China and Iran's very visible lack of proactive self-defense invites incessant Western predation.


Caution and restraint are ineffectual traits, when defending against slaughter-happy pillagers.