Paul Craig Roberts — regarding Britain's civilizational suicide at the hands of its Globalist Elitists
© 2024 Peter Free
04 December 2024
The West's mental disease?
Paul Craig Roberts posted the following, a couple of days ago, regarding the arrest of a man for silently praying outside a British abortion clinic:
In Britain where laws and police take it very easy on criminals as long as they are dark-skinned immigrant-invaders, a white British citizen can get in more trouble for praying silently within a proscribed distance of where abortions . . . are performed than an immigrant-invader faces for rape, robbery, and assault.
Notice that a majority of British Members of Parliament thought that abortion clinics needed protection from prayer. By passing the ordinance[,] the MPs shielded abortionists from ethical and moral protest.
It is extraordinary, isn’t it, that the British are willing to take the entire world to nuclear war by firing missiles into Russia and find the danger instead in a person praying outside an abortion clinic.
This tells us that the Western world no longer exists in a moral context.
Once a civilization becomes amoral, it succumbs to evil.
When a civilization succumbs to evil it becomes impossible to defend.
© 2024 Paul Craig Roberts, Orwell’s Forecast of a Tyrannical Britain Has Proven Correct, (02 December 2024)
I agree . . .
. . . perhaps not surprisingly because Roberts and I are essentially the same age and have witnessed the rapidly accelerating vapidity of the West for many decades.
Aggressive brainlessness has spread throughout western Europe, where nations are obliterating their cultural principles in favor of elevating a curious form of 'woke' Nazism that is directly aimed against their own long-resident populations.
How else to explain the West's rampant support for both Nazi Ukraine and Israel's Holocaust-imitating genocide of Palestinians?
As well as, locally, against anyone who protests both?
The West's suicidal psychosis has been a become a literal war against sanity.
This war is promoted by wealthy nihilists. Who, among their other enslavement-oriented goals, hope to scoop up the wealth left over — after their instigated carnage has run its course.
The moral? — Become aware of . . .
. . . what our (purported) society's thoughtless moral lassitude tacitly supports.
My own survival instinct leads me to support the idea of locking these Elitist Cretins up — before they enslave, rob and kill the rest of us.