Stab them in their lying eyes? — Caitlin Johnstone's accurate depiction of humanity's predominance of morally lazy folk

© 2024 Peter Free


17 October 2024



More demons among us, than not?


From Caitlin Johnstone:



History is rife with examples of horrific mass atrocities to which the majority of the population did not respond with the appropriate revulsion and urgency at the time.


Most of the people who now look back and judge those evils correctly in hindsight are sleepwalking right through their present-day reiteration in Palestine.


[H]istory tells us that the majority is very often wrong on the most important issues in the present moment when it matters.


And the majority is wrong now.


The ones flagrantly supporting Israel’s abuses are wrong. The ones who try not to think too much about what’s being done in Gaza and Lebanon are wrong.


The ones who say it’s all so tragic and heartbreaking but it’s oh so very complicated and Israel has a right to defend itself are wrong.


The ones who don’t oppose Israel’s atrocities but only oppose their own country sending boots on the ground or spending their tax dollars on it are wrong.


The ones who know a genocide is happening but avoid making too much noise about it because they want to make sure the Democrats win the election are wrong.


The ones who know it’s a genocide but don’t respond to this reality with the appropriate level of urgency, forcefulness and focus are wrong.


All around us we are bombarded with messages trying to gaslight into believing that we are the ones who aren’t perceiving reality correctly.


In a civilization that has gone insane, you have to sort out what sanity looks like for yourself.


© Caitlin Johnstone, You’re Not Crazy. This Genocidal Dystopia Is Crazy., (17 October 2024)



But . . .


What Johnstone suggests, takes vision and work.


Humanity's sheep would have to become something more than passive mutton and floppy fleece.


Both those changes would go against humanity's mainly follower genes.



The moral? — Historically, among humans . . .


. . . it is actionably evil, only when it happens to you personally.


This narrowly selfish trait is a major chink in Homo sapiens' purportedly worthy soul.


Made in God's image?


I don't think so.


That's why the same long-spinning atrocities go on and on, without significant interruptions initiated by courageously astute people and leaders. Ours is a predominantly fraidy-cat and uninsightful species.


These unadmirable characteristics magnify themselves, when we fit ourselves into large groups. Large groups, probably always, grossly reduce moral and intellectual intelligence.


It is too bad (at least arguably) that virtuous lone wolves do not have nukes.


Which, of course, is why the Noxious Establishment hunts these fur-hairy recalcitrants down.


Predatory cowardice guards itself against the brave.


And that is, genomically speaking, why morally courageous people are rare.