Politico — an excellent example of the American Establishment's historically incomparable stupidity

© 2024 Peter Free


02 October 2024



Politico — belligerent air-headedness as a standard


Evaluate the following statement from Politico:



The [vice presidential candidates'] debate . . . . clearly did not alter the fundamental reality that Trump is a uniquely unqualified and unfit candidate for president.


© 2024 Jeff Greenfield, JD Vance Controlled the Debate — Until the End, Politico (02 October 2024)



Implicitly, according to the above-cited digital rag


Trump is 'uniquely unqualified and unfit' for the presidency.


But the brain-dead and historically singularly US-damaging president, Joe Biden, was and is not?




So, per Politico, Donald Trump — who was an admittedly lousy president for four years, in a string of recently many such — but who started no new wars and emphatically did not sink the American ship of state — is somehow worse than Joe Biden, who effectively did both at the same time?



Are y'all at Politico blind, deaf . . .


. . . living under a rock, and incapable of connecting even the two tiniest of brain wires?


Of the Biden administration's historically unequalled horrendous performance, former Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson recently opined that:



This is the worst leadership that I have ever seen exerted by the United States of America in almost every category.


I won't even get into the domestic issues . . . .


In terms of international relations, foreign policy, security policy, this is the most damaging, cretin-like group of people I have ever encountered in my life in this country.


We are doing [regarding Zionist Israel], along with Ukraine, irreparable damage to ourselves.


© 2024 Dialogue Works [Nima Alkhorshid], Col. Larry Wilkerson: Iran's Attack on Israel - Israel about to Attack Iran, YouTube (01 October 2024) (at 08:22 minutes)



The moral? — Establishment stupidity has reached such anti-celestial imbecilic depths . . .


. . . that it is unable to recognize its complete absence of brain and moral function.


We live in a nation controlled — and pretend-informed — by the worst people that the metaphorical Devil ever spawned.