Rejecting everything that once made it viable — Western Civilization's death wish

© 2024 Peter Free


19 October 2024



These days, does sanity have difficulty comprehending what happened to it?


Situationally, take a look around.


The European Union is busy gobbling itself to death. As its Globalist political elite destroys individual national cultures. All that being done in favor of some totalitarian Uni-State. Which its avaricious political elite can then (even more easily) cannibalize for personal profit.


Meanwhile, across the sea, the Insane United States is destroying whatever can reach in an increasingly strange orgy of Satanically inspired, world-war-inviting, genocidally minded destruction. This occurring, solely to benefit the wealthy owners of the American Military Industrial Complex.


Rankly murderous parasitism for own sake.



In sum


Rationality and morality-inspiring religion in the West have both been jettisoned in favor of promoting Western Elites' cannibalization of their own and other publics.


A historically perverse — meaning factually skewed and arguably historically doubtful in its reasoning — but nevertheless intellectually meritorious perspective on this idea is:



Hanna Herland, The Billionaire World: How Marxism Serves the Elite (PaperTrue 2023)



Has no one in power considered . . .


. . . the foreseeable end result to this self-consuming trend?


What happens, after the populations (that made Western Civilization what it was) have disappeared, via the machinations of their own Political Elites, into death or rags?


Who are these Political Elites going to feed off then?


With no material base to populate the West's economy-fueled and colonizing armies, how do these pillaging Fat Cats think they are going to continue their plundering ways?


This is so stupidly chosen a societal direction, that it can be labeled 'insane'.



A pertinent quote


From Germany's Ralph Schoellhammer (on X):



From Greta Thunberg to Ta-Nehisi Coates to Ibram X Kendi to Robert Habeck, the left worships even the most mediocre intellect as long as it contributes to the destruction of Western Civilisation.



I would go further


The West worships sub-mediocrity.


Witness the US presidential election. It is a contest between a literal moron (Kamala Harris) and an ignorantly impulsive bombaster of no genuine political or moral substance (Donald Trump).


Both of these non-choices coming immediately after a dead-brain president — and the Deep State that puppets him — weakened America more than any other executive administration in US history.


Evidently, Americans are incapable of learning anything, ever.



The moral? — Idiocy has a tendency to kill itself off


The rest of planet can be grateful.


Provided it survives our violent death convulsions.