Chris Bray and George Galloway aptly described the United States' political elite — plus my comment about propaganda's fog

© 2024 Peter Free


07 November 2024



Accurately aimed steam?


Chris Bray wrote the following — after American Propaganda's much reviled Donald Trump won the majority of votes in the United States' 2024 blue collar revolt against America's elitist Establishment:



The dismal cabal of hysterical adult children that makes up the alleged American cultural “mainstream,” the responsible people you see on television and in the op-ed pages . . . has spent the last year or ten descending into a urine-soaked psychotic tantrum.


They don’t know anything, they don’t understand anything, they don’t say anything of value, they don’t contribute anything, ever, and their voices are ubiquitous.


Living in this media environment is like living in a place where the air is made of manure.


Their very loud voices aren’t attached to any form of cognition.


They have nothing, they are nothing, they offer nothing.


© 2024 Chris Bray, Trump Derangement is the Stupidest Political Phenomenon of My Lifetime, and Its Idiot Propagators Need to be Shoved Into a Forgotten Corner of the Culture Forever, (06 November 2024)



Yes — the 'worst people'


George Galloway, a consistent opponent of tyranny and genocide, agreed with Bray.


Regarding Donald Trump's win against those viciously empty skulls:



I have just watched the worst people on the Earth — the worst people on the Earth — having to eat their bitter, but just, desserts.


George Galloway, The greatest comeback since the Rumble in the Jungle, YouTube (06 November 2024)



The moral? — There is such a thing as human vermin


Somehow, these damaging people leaked through Evolution's selective survival barriers.


The rest of us will have to continue to prevent them from taking over the place. Like we do rats, parasites and cockroaches.


We can begin by restoring full vigor to (especially) the First, Second and Fourth Amendments — as against the American Kakistocracy's accelerating attempts to crush them.


The Bill of Rights remains a primary guiding lamp through oligarchic propaganda's incessant fog.