Mark Rutte — exactly the kind of moron that the US wanted to head NATO — one statement says it all

© 2024 Peter Free


15 October 2024



As the suiciding West scuttles itself among History's waves . . .


. . . its death throes involve an all-encompassing display of stupidity so blatant, that it would shock anyone with even marginally detectible sense.



For example


Let's further provoke Russia and pretend that they won't notice.


From Reuters:



NATO will not be cowed by Russian threats but keep up its strong support of Kyiv, NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte said on his first visit to the alliance's Ukraine mission in Wiesbaden, set to take over the coordination of military aid from the U.S.


Rutte spoke at Clay Barracks, the U.S. base hosting the headquarters of the new mission, dubbed NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU), which will gradually assume the coordination of Western military aid to Kyiv.


The move is widely seen as an effort to safeguard the aid mechanism against a possible return of NATO critic Donald Trump to the White House.


NSATU is expected to have a total strength of some 700 personnel, including troops stationed at NATO's military headquarters SHAPE in Belgium and at logistics hubs in Poland and Romania.


Rutte, who was prime minister of the Netherlands from 2010 until 2024, said it was crucial for NATO to have the full range of capabilities needed to deter a Russian threat.


© 2024 Sabine Siebold, NATO will not be intimidated by Russia's threats, Rutte says at Ukraine mission HQ, Reuters (14 October 2024)



As usual


Reuters (essentially a US propaganda organ) left out the most telling parts of this story.


We have to go to a Russian publication for this news development's two most key points:



"In a conversation with the troops, Mr Rutte stressed the importance of their work in preparing the 700 troops who will be stationed in Wiesbaden and in logistics hubs on the eastern flank of the Alliance," the NATO press service reported.


The alliance must ensure that Russia does not achieve its goals, while Ukraine does, Rutte stressed.


He was sceptical about concerns that Wiesbaden would become a military target in connection with the deployment of NATO's Ukrainian headquarters:


"I stopped trying to understand what Putin was thinking many years ago."


© 2024 Rusvesna, NATO Secretary General Promises Ukraine 'Real Change' on Battlefield, (15 October 2024)



So, not only does NATO secretary general Rutte . . .


. . . who previously happily managed to infuriate literally every farmer in the Netherlands, while he was prime minister and then presumably looking out for Holland's food supply, instead of forcibly trying to squash it:



doubt that Russia might eventually blast American bases


which house NATO troops


who have been actively attacking the Federation for more than two years


he has abandoned even trying to understand his purported Russian enemy.



This cavalier jettisoning of brain function . . .


. . . evidently arriving because actually thinking (for a change) would require:



Rutte to come up with insightfully planned strategies


rather than complacently continue


the self-defeating


deadly nonsense


that characterizes this planet's low-intelligence Neocon Species.



The moral? — The United States' nihilistic warmongering continues


Its anti-Russian component now being left in the monkey-brained hands of our stoogey NATO-trapped Euro Vassals.


Centuries of Western Civilization has come to this.


Self-confinement in a feces-slinging zoo that houses pseudo-evolution's obvious failures.