Concisely looking Oligarchic devils in their soulless eyes?

© 2024 Peter Free


09 October 2024



Pointed rants about the State of American Terribleness . . .


. . . are curiously satisfying.


For example, below are some situation-summarizing excerpts by John and Nisha Whitehead:



Collapsing bridges, buckling roads, overheated railways, deteriorating power lines, contaminated water lines, outdated public transportation, overtaxed power grids, aging ports and waterways, unsafe tunnels and highways, and spotty or insufficient telecommunications assets are all becoming frequent hallmarks of the American way of life.


While the politicians play partisan games with our tax dollars, the nation’s critical infrastructure — both the physical foundations of the nation and the figurative foundations of our freedoms — continues to be neglected and deprioritized in favor of grandstanding, bloated military budgets on endless wars abroad, foreign aid to shore up the infrastructure and military defenses of international allies, and all manner of graft and pork barrel spending.


[T]he bread-and-circus distractions and sleight-of-hand political theater being trotted out in order to keep Americans distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from the government’s steady encroachments on our freedoms adds nothing of real value to the lives of the average American.


[B]oth parties support endless war, engage in out-of-control spending, ignore the citizenry’s basic rights, have no respect for the rule of law, are bought and paid for by Big Business, care most about their own power, and have a long record of expanding government and shrinking liberty.


[A]s an in-depth Princeton University study shows, we now live in an oligarchy that is “of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.”


James Madison was right: “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”


© 2024 John and Nisha Whitehead, America Is Falling Apart: Our National Priorities Are in Dire Need of Restructuring, The Rutherford Institute (02 October 2024)



By way of illustrative example . . .


. . . Kamala Harris's silly behavior.


The current vice president and presidential campaigning Democratic Party nitwit (Kamala Harris) decided to chastise Florida's Republican governor DeSantis for ignoring her situationally pointless politicking — during Florida's hurricane Milton watch:



NBC News reported Monday that DeSantis was denying phone calls from Harris' team.


"People are in desperate need of support right now and playing political games with this moment, in these crisis situations, these are the height of emergency situations, it's just utterly irresponsible, and it is selfish," Harris told reporters Monday.


[DeSantis replied that:]


"Why, all of the sudden, is she trying to parachute in and inject herself when she’s never shown any interest in the past? We know it’s because of politics, we know it’s because of her campaign."


"Harris is not even in the chain of command. She has no role in this," DeSantis added.


"The idea that I should be, like, worrying about her when I’m focused on the task at hand is just quite frankly absurd."


© 2024 Alec Schemmel, Biden undermines Harris claim that Ron DeSantis is politicizing hurricane response: 'Doing a great job', Fox News (08 October 2024)



Harris is typical of how US national politics work


Domestically, it is entirely about emotional show and never about actually doing substantively positive things.


In foreign affairs, it is always about pillaging and mass murder. Neither of which do ordinary Americans any good. And both of which are profoundly bad for America's randomly chosen, usually innocent, targets.


Meanwhile, genuine public interests ooze down perdition's drain.



The moral? — Bread and circuses work . . .


. . . until national collapse catches the public's previously clueless attention.


By then, historically speaking, it is too late to halt the Oligarchy's looting of our corpses.


Sheep, we can deduce, are not competent liberty and wellbeing protectors.


Democracy fails from the outset, due to the arguably deficient material that it is comprised of.