Two prongs of Western Civilization — suiciding brain mush and self-toxic warmongering

© 2024 Peter Free


21 September 2024



Western Civilization is killing itself . . .


. . . via two philosophically opposed prongs:



First, pansy-assed Wokeists are determined to evaporate Western Civilization's arguably most worthy cultural roots.


Second, the Rabid Nihilists who govern us — an arrogantly avaricious group that embraces every one of this civilization's most historically toxic elements — are bent on provoking global nuclear extermination in Western civilizations' allegedly superior name.



First, the Wokeist prong of civilizational suicide


Law professor Jonathan Turley observed how curiously the Collective West is acting these days:



International Judo Federation (IJF) has suspended a Serbian judo champion for five months from any international competitions for making the sign of the cross after his match in the Paris Olympic games this year.


The IJF said that this is simply an effort to ensure its members “feel respected and accepted.”


I am not sure how that tracks. Athletes expressing their faith does not condone other faiths or belittle competitors. It shows that their accomplishments are not their own.


The irony is crushing after the Olympics began with what many viewed as irreligious or disrespectful imagery for many religious people.


© 2024 Jonathan Turley, Fall from Grace: Olympian Suspended for Making Sign of the Cross, (20 September 2024)



We see that, on the one hand, Western Wokeists deny our civilization's roots. On the other, they defecate on the West's once-unifying symbols.


Both, while simultaneously claiming that other cultures — each with its own dismaying features — are more worthy of respect than our own.


How these Wokeist inanities advance human wellbeing escapes me.



Second, Western (superiority-claiming) Nihilists' own version of self-elimination


Below are two premise-demonstrating excerpts from AntiWar's Dave Decamp.


The first excerpt pertains to the West's insane hostility toward China's comparatively peaceful economic and soft power rise into global prominence:



Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said on Wednesday that China is the “most significant challenge” the United States has ever faced.


In the 2022 National Defense Strategy, the Pentagon declared China the “most comprehensive and serious challenge to US national security strategy,” with Russia named the second leading threat.


US military leaders are openly planning for a direct war with China in the future despite the risk of the conflict turning nuclear. This week, the US Navy unveiled a plan to prepare for a direct fight with China by 2027.


© 2024 Dave DeCamp, Deputy Secretary of State: China Is the ‘Most Significant Challenge’ in US History, AntiWar (19 September 2024)



The second extract pertains to America's Euro Vassals' plan to expand the West's shared proxy war against Russia, well into the future:



Andrius Kubilius, a former Lithuanian prime minister and the EU’s first defense commissioner, has said Europe must be ready to fight Russia within 6-8 years.


The former Lithuanian leader is a staunch supporter of the Ukraine proxy war and a major Russia hawk. He said that his first job is to see what resources the EU has available to prepare for a future fight. Kubilius told Reuters that he would like to see an investment of more than 500 billion euros in the next few years to build up European militaries.


On Thursday, the EU’s parliament passed a resolution calling on European countries to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons for long-range strikes inside Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the step would mean NATO is at war with Russia.


In response to the EU resolution, Vyacheslav Volodin, the head of Russia’s State Duma, said, “What the European Parliament is calling for leads to a world war using nuclear weapons.”


© 2024 Dave DeCamp, EU’s Defense Chief Says Europe Must Be Ready to Fight Russia in 6-8 Years, AntiWar (19 September 2024)



From such, we see that the domination-desiring arm of Western Civilization is happily on route to prompting massive nuclear war.


This occurring solely, so as to prolong the (Wokeist-denied and Nihilists-praised) defining aspects of Western Civilization.


A genuinely curious split-cultural phenomenon, don't you think?



The moral? — The Collective West appears to be filled with psychotic imbeciles


Is this the result of too much feeble-minded in-breeding inside a vat of bubbling deadly sins?


Or is it just the predictable snuffing of arguably intelligent creation's work by the late-term maggots, who always seem to follow the dawn and mid-days of preceding people's better-intended talents?