More vicious lunacy from the despicable US House of Representatives

© 2024 Peter Free


28 June 2024



Stamp out truth?


Israel's Zionist genociders have enslaved the United States:



On Thursday, the House voted 269-144 for an amendment to the Department of State appropriations bill proposed by a bipartisan group led by Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL). The provision “prohibits funds appropriated by this act to be made available for the State Department to cite statistics obtained from the Gaza Health Ministry.”


If passed into law, US diplomats would be unable to discuss casualty figures from Palestinian sources that are generally considered credible.


© 2024 Kyle Anzalone, House Votes To Bar State Department From Citing Gazan Health Ministry, AntiWar (27 June 2024)



You can see the results of a series of roll call votes regarding this bill, here.


The 269-144 total — taken on 06/27/2024-11:53am — is the numerically most outrageous.



The moral? — See how easy that is?





prohibit diplomatic mention of the many tens of thousand Palestinians slaughtered by Israel




the genocide atrocity (armed and funded by the United States) goes away.



American leadership occupies this Make-Believe Land on virtually every front of American activity, at home and abroad.


Is morally repulsive, deluded tyranny worse than simple tyranny?


Former president Donald Trump's term — 'shithole country' — arguably comes home to roost.