Scumbag Netanyahu came to scumbag Congress — both did the Happy War Criminals Dance

© 2024 Peter Free


25 July 2024



Genocide is good, said the official United States


In Dave DeCamp's words:



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday delivered an address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday and spent a good portion of his speech attacking Americans who have been protesting Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza.


Netanyahu accused the pro-Palestine protesters, which include many Jewish Americans, of being pro-Hamas and “standing with evil” and said they should be “ashamed of themselves.”


The majority of the lawmakers in the chamber responded with a standing ovation.


[A]bout half of the Democrats in the House and Senate skipped the address.


© 2024 Dave DeCamp, In Congressional Address, Netanyahu Slams American Protesters and Receives Standing Ovation, AntiWar (24 July 2024)



For moral perspective


Caitlin Johnson accurately summed this Two Pariah States issue:



The main story in US politics is the fact that there’s a genocide happening which all viable candidates support, and that an entire country is trying to find ways to psychologically compartmentalize around this horrifying fact.


You can’t “lesser evil” a genocide. That’s not a thing.


Past a certain line a candidate is just plain evil, and if genocide is not on the other side of that line for you, then it no longer makes sense for you to talk about “evil”or any other moral distinction for that matter.


By framing the single worst thing a leader can do as a forgivable infraction, you have made all moral distinctions nonsensical.


© 2024 Caitlin Johnstone, Gaza Is The Single Defining Feature of This Political Moment in The US, (24 July 2024)



The moral? — United States' continuing Happy War Criminals Dance . . .


. . . has destroyed our standing with most of the world.


Exactly as Israel's horrific behavior is inviting its national destruction, so too is the official United States earning a reputation for 'exceptional' moral horribleness.


No future cookies of influential soft power will grow in that satanic pot, I suspect.