Hypocrisy fossilizes American brains into rocklike moronitude

© 2024 Peter Free


13 August 2024



American pot calls Chinese kettle — 'black'


Ain't the US grand?



China-owned video-sharing app TikTok is using its algorithms to suppress content exposing China’s human rights violations, in order to shape the views of its targeted users, according to a new study.


Researchers from Rutgers University and the school’s Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) found that TikTok’s algorithms “actively suppress content critical of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while simultaneously boosting pro-China propaganda and promoting distracting, irrelevant content,” according to their study.


“Through the use of travel influencers, frontier lifestyle accounts, and other CCP-linked content creators, the platform systematically shouts down sensitive discussions about issues like ethnic genocide and human rights abuses.”


“These users, through targeting or information environments engineered to sublimate free speech, appear to absorb these biased narratives unwittingly, leading to a distorted understanding of critical global issues,” the researchers wrote.


The Trump and the Biden administrations have characterized the CCP’s suppression of Uyghurs in its far-western regions of Xinjiang as “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” In Tibet, the Chinese regime has turned the region into a surveillance state and installed labor camps.


“If social media algorithms are found to be subverting the very democracies that provide them the freedom to operate, they are both unjust and dangerous,” the report reads. “There must be accountability and corrective measures to ensure that platforms are not exploited by state actors to erode democratic institutions and values.”


© 2024 Frank Fang, TikTok Algorithms Actively Suppress Criticism of Chinese Regime, Study Finds, Epoch Times (12 August 2024)



So you see


We are supposed to think that the United States' mainstream media, and the American oligarchy and government that controls it, would never dream of deliberately warping US minds into financing, arming and actively pursuing:



Israel's blatant genocide — on a decades-long scale far exceeding China's alleged atrocities


forever war for its own sake — which China has never-ever done




rampant censorship — which China does do.



Naturally, in glorious America . . .


. . . Rutgers University and Network Contagion Research Institute would never dream of accepting government and oligarchic money to further the American Warfare State's consistently pillaging aims.


That said, a little checking uncovers the facts that:



the NCRI is favorably listed on Homeland Security's website




it receives an atrocious score (for concealing its funding and sources of control) by Charity Navigator.



The moral?  — Hypocrisy and determined blindness are the West's blood


Psychological projection.


It's what's for American dinner.