Voting-with-feet narrative — evaporates — take California

© 2024 Peter Free


12 July 2024



Remember all the blather about . . .


. . . California's supposedly depopulating quasi-communist ship?


Meaning the claims that masses of Californians are so sick of the People's Republic, that they are fleeing to Texas's bastion of gun-blast rectitude?


It has been a narrative advanced to show that a tide of conservatism is sweeping the country and Jesus will be back with us soon.



Well, it probably ain't so


Which shows how little it takes mislead people who can neither think, nor gather data.


Last year, according Pallavi Rao's interpretation of 2022-2023 census data — only a net 75,000 people depopulated the nation's most populous state. A figure earlier printed by Adam Beam at the AP.


Meaning that California's golden ship lost only 0.2 percent of its purported sheepy mass.


That is the equivalent of a 200 pound person losing 0.4 pounds. A mere toilet break.



Dynamic systems are like this


Tiny fluctuations do not mean that the boat is disassembling itself on a storm-battered shore.



And thus, horror of horrors . . .


. . . California's governor Gavin Newsom may one day be US president, after all.


Just like demented Joe Biden and the glowingly incompetent, blowhard Donald Trump have been.


And like The Arch Fool (Kamala Harris) just might be next year.


The bar for the American presidency is lower than an outhouse's deposited muck.


There's your 0.2 percent.



The moral? — It is all propaganda


Until proven otherwise by  inquiring — critically thinking — and objectively inclined minds.


Be skeptical.