Much of the public has stopped caring that Trump is crassly incompetent — they just want him to castrate the United States' supercilious Establishment with a dull knife

© 2024 Peter Free


16 October 2024



Would you pay $5 . . .


. . . to see this metaphorical de-gonad-ization?


Figurative blood, screams and all.


More entertaining than bread and circuses.


And way more productively constructive for We the People.



Below are two examples . . .


. . . of US mass media begging for such a righteously invoked parts-plucking.


First is ABC's Martha Raddatz superiorly telling vice presidential candidate JD Vance that only a handful of apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado were taken over by violent Venezuelan gangs.


And therefore, according to Raddatz and ABC, Trump-supporters are being idiots, when they express fear and concern:



Glenn Greenwald, JD Vance Exposes Martha Raddatz's Elitist Detachment from Reality, YouTube (15 October 2024) (includes photographs of these elitists' reality-unaware lifestyles)



Second is Bloomberg's John Micklethwait's version of regally delivered condescension, while he pretends that:



he and the Wall Street Journal


(meaning the same class of people who intentionally offshored virtually all of US manufacturing and, thereby, gutted the American middle class)


are god-like and know everything,


while (in contrast) former president Trump is an imbecilic economic pretender.



For that dripping example of soulless Establishment mental putridity, see Charlie Kirk's 15 October 2024 (2:16 PM) posting on X.



The moral? — When the bloodbath finally comes . . .


. . . (figurative or not), no one sensible is going to mourn the passing of the United States' propagandizing elites and the Deep State that puppets them.


These rich, holier-than-thou, pillaging aristocrats are enough to make any genuinely working person barf in self-protective revulsion.


Ripping out parasites is a major key to survival.