Auschwitz-Birkenau — emblematic of Poland's and the Collective West's constantly provocative warmongering

© 2024 Peter Free


27 September 2024



An expanding and indicative insanity


Poland — and presumably the United States that often puppets it — is again banning Russia from 2025's Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp liberation ceremony.


The Auschwitz Museum's Polish director, Piotr Cywiński, announced that:



On 27 January 2025, we will be commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz.


This is the anniversary of liberation. We remember the victims, but we also celebrate freedom.


It is hard to imagine the presence of Russia, which clearly does not understand the value of freedom. Such presence would be cynical. I would like it to be possible again someday, but let's be serious—it certainly won't be in the next four months.


© 2024 Auschwitz Museum, On 27 January 2025, we will be commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz, (23 September 2024)



In other words


According to that self-righteous twit (Cywiński) — it is 'cynical' to thank the very and only troops, who seized the concentration camp out of the Death Nazis' control in 1945.





Admittedly, y'all died to free us.


But you were, and your descendants remain, too morally lowly to be thanked.



Somehow, in the Lunatic West . . .


History and morality reverse themselves.


Of this absurdity, Serbia's president Aleksandar Vucic accurately observed that:



Soon you will have the ceremony marking the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.


Those who liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Russians, won’t be invited. I presume that those who had the camp built will be invited.


Everything in this world is, pardon my phrase, perverted and inverted.


© 2024 RT, Banning Russia from Auschwitz ceremony ‘perverted’ – Serbian president, (25 September 2024)



Recall, most pointedly . . .


. . . that it was the United States and NATO, who provoked the current war in Ukraine. This so, via a US-instigated Maidan (anti-democracy) coup in 2014. And afterward, by continuing to expand NATO's armed actions right up to Russia's borders.



Explicitly revived Western Nazism?


Consider that Ukraine is led and significantly 'trooped' by Bandera Nazis.


Yet, in spite of World War 2's morality lessons, the entirety of the West financially and militarily supports this demonic philosophy's attack against the Russian Federation.


In an astonishing punctuation, German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock — an obnoxious nitwit by any rational summation — recently implicitly, announced how happy she was to be standing on her grandfather's (fervently Nazi) shoulders:



Note that Baerbock's statement comes after Germany repeatedly sent German tanks, money and NATO advisers to attack Russia in Ukraine. Some of which wound up on Russian soil in Kursk. An unfortunate reminder of the largest and deadliest tank battle in history.


It seems to have escaped the West's ignoramus-emulating comprehension that a repeat of German armaments attacking Russia might just remind Russians of the horrors of what happened on World War 2's eastern front.



Meanwhile, and for good measure


The United States and its Euro Puppets continue to push for nuclear Global War by threatening to attack Russia with Europe-supplied long-range conventional missiles.


Keep in mind that these missiles could knock out Russia's early warning (ballistic missile detection) system and, thereby, give the Federation no choice but to launch its nuclear-armed ballistic missiles in self-defense.



Western psychosis?


Paul Craig Roberts observed that:



Did Washington and NATO withdraw their threats to attack Russia with Storm Shadow missiles?


No. The imbeciles announced war mobilization drills.


This is insanity.


Why are there no voices speaking against the West’s provocation of nuclear war?


How can anyone think protecting Ukraine’s artificial borders is worth the massive destruction of Europe and the United States?


Why are there not tens of millions of people in the streets in Europe, England, and the US?


This is a level of insouciance and denial of reality that stuns even me.


© 2024 Paul Craig Roberts, Storm Shadow Missiles Are the Straw that Breaks the Camel’s Back, (26 September 2024)



The moral? — When we do get ourselves blown up . . .


. . . those who are not immediately crisp-i-fied, may finally realize that they can only blame their somnolent, complacent — cowardly and easily propagandized — sheepy selves.


A righteous extinguishment of the arguably unworthy, so to speak.