US-NATO homicidal psychopathy is evident — as both try to provoke a nuclear exchange — to save Nazi infected Ukraine from losing the war all three started with Russia in 2014

© 2024 Peter Free


14 September 2024



Elimination of the West's leadership-crazies . . .


. . . is, we can reasonably conclude, the only path to a more peaceful humanity.



Consider what those mass murderers are up to now


The Guardian synopsized NATO's slaughter-provoking lunacy this way:



Keir Starmer and Joe Biden have discussed letting Ukraine fire long-range, western-supplied missiles into Russia, while stopping short of any formal announcement.


Vladimir Putin has threatened it would amount to NATO joining the war.


The UK prime minister told reporters at the White House that he had a “wide-ranging discussion about strategy” with the US president but that it was not just a meeting about “a particular capability”.


Before the meeting, officials had said Starmer would press Biden to back his plan to let British Storm Shadow be used to strike inside Russia. Britain’s PM indicated he and Biden would discuss the plan at the UN general assembly in New York the week after next “with a wider group of individuals”.


Biden dismissed Vladimir Putin’s sabre-rattling threats, saying he did not accept that Ukraine using Storm Shadows missiles against Russia proper would amount to Nato going to war with Moscow, reports Dan Sabbagh in Washington.


“I do not think much about Vladimir Putin,” Biden said.


© 2024 Guardian staff and news agencies, Ukraine war briefing: Biden, Starmer stop short of announcing Storm Shadow permission, The Guardian (13 September 2024)



'Not thinking' and 'not listening' are exactly . . .


. . . the core of the United States' neocon-bred psychosis.


A cartoon representing brain-dead president Biden, performing as a demented puppet for the equally cerebrum-lacking American Deep State, could not be more accurate.



The moral? — If ever there could be a justifiable hypothetical genocide . . .


. . . one judiciously based upon the target culture's morally reprehensible behavior — the blanket disappearance of the West's neocon leaders would be it.


Is this what the US-led West is inviting upon itself?