Has the US constitution's designation of the president as citizen commander-in-chief been reversed — to the benefit of humankind?

© 2024 Peter Free


23 September 2024



How curious


The US military reportedly has stepped in to curb the psychotic Biden administration's attempts to begin a nuclear war over Ukraine and Gaza.


Demonstrating, perhaps, that the only mild form of sanity still existing in the United States is represented by its military ranks.



Here is what allegedly happened


Recall first, the United States' recent flirting with allowing Ukraine to attack Russia with the West's proxied longer range missiles.


The insanity of doing this was immediately countered by Russia's not-so-veiled observation that intervening oceans would not protect the United States against disappearing in Russia's counter-attacking nuclear fire.


Russian Federation president Putin told the press that:



This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia.


And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.


© 2024 Avery Schmitz and Michael Conte, Russia will be ‘at war’ with NATO if Ukraine long-range missile restrictions lifted, Putin warns, CNN (13 September 2024)



The directness of Russia's statement apparently got through to the Pentagon — even though it had no effect on the warmongering crazies who, so far, have been ruling the United States.


According to retired Army colonel Lawrence Wilkerson's Pentagon sources — Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin essentially told Biden's Gang of Neocon Loons to cool it.



The following are some excerpts . . .


. . . from Thomas Neuberger's transcript of what Colonel Wilkerson told Andrew Napolitano, on the latter's Judging Freedom broadcast:





I think what we’re seeing here is another attempt . . . by Netanyahu to provoke Hezbollah . . . even though I’m told with great confidence in the sources that the latest two visits by the Central Command Unified Commander were to tell him [Netanyahu] that we would not be with him in the event of his going to war with Hezbollah that he provoked.


Nor will we be with him going to war with Iran that he provoked. And we made it quite clear that we would know if he provoked it.




You're speaking of General Kurilla [CENTCOM commander since April 2022].




Yes. Yes.




So Scott Ritter agrees with you, Doug Macgregor says he can’t imagine Austin and Blinkin letting General Kurilla do that.


Is this speculation on your part or is it based on sources?




It’s based on some pretty reliable sources.


And here’s the bigger picture and I hope the others told you this too. Biden’s fury — and you could see it — he was seething when he met with the British Prime Minister.




[W]e have that clip. He was out of control with anger.




And what he [had] just been told, apparently, was by the Pentagon, “No dice, Mr President. No dice on Ukraine and no dice on Gaza. We're in charge now.”




You're talking about no dice on the long range missiles reaching deep into Russia, even though Tony Blinken had intimated all week in Kyiv with his British counterpart that this was happening.


And Sir Keir Starmer, the British Prime Minister, had every reason to believe as he’s flying across the Atlantic that Joe Biden’s answer would be yes.




He was embarrassed.


[H]e [Starmer] was pulling out his maps with target data and Biden told him, “Don’t even pull them out. We’re not going to talk about that.”


I’ve been told, again by fairly reliable sources, that Blinken and Sullivan . . . have been sidetracked, and what’s happened is [that] the Pentagon has taken over, essentially, diplomacy as well as any action, militarily speaking, with regard to both theaters of war.


And so they’re now in charge.


I have to change my evaluation of Secretary Austin if that’s the case, because it means he listened finally to the people in the bowels of the Pentagon who know the truth, and he’s reacting to that, and he’s told the President Biden that, and to Biden’s credit, even though he was furious, he finally took that advice.




Who told General Kurilla to tell Prime Minister Netanyahu, “If you invade Lebanon, you’re on your own?”




It was, I think, Austin. But that’s the chain of command.


Austin conveyed that message to him [Kurilla]. But I think it was Austin that convinced Biden to give him that command so he could transmit it to Kurilla.


© 2024 Judge Napolitano — Judging Freedom, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Can Ukraine Make It to Nov 5th?, YouTube (18 September 2024) — transcript of above quoted extract appearing in — Thomas Neuberger, An American Coup?, neuberger.substack.com (20 September 2024)



What should one think of this?


Obviously, such a reversal of the US constitution's assigned citizen-president command chain would be novel.


On the other hand, how does what allegedly happened differ from giving the US president unpleasant advice?


Additionally, what sense would it make for the US military to allow a demented, nihilistic president — and his coterie of psychotic neocon loons — to blow up the world?


Thus, I have trouble seeing what supposedly happened, as being constitutionally unlawful.


Military commanders have, after all, also sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution.


And getting America blown up for the insane reasons (that pillaging neocons habitually invent) would seem to violate that oath.



The moral? — When sanity occasionally steps in . . .


. . .  lunatic-led America is blessed with a (probably temporary) reprieve from self-destruction.