Pipsqueak Denmark vows to fight Russia — with the United States doing the warring, of course

© 2025 Peter Free


03 January 2025



Nothing worse than a insidiously warmongering dwarf?


For instance, Denmark:



Twelve Northern European nations including Denmark earlier this week announced they would introduce checks on insurance policies of passing Russian tankers. This could be followed up with more tangible actions for ships falling short with their cover.


Denmark will play a crucial role in the implementation of those checks, as its narrow straits are a critical trade artery through which Russian oil has flowed largely unrestrained since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, helping fund President Vladimir Putin’s war economy.


Russia is also expected to display more risky behavior toward civil shipping and aviation, Denmark’s foreign intelligence service said. Its toolkit is likely to include military exercise activities near NATO territory, as well as jamming in large geographical areas “without regard to ships’ and aircraft’s communications and GPS signals,” according to the report.


© 2024 Sanne Wass, Denmark Warns That Russia May Send Warships to Escort Oil Tankers, Insurance Journal (19 December 2024)



Recall that it was the Collective West . . .


. . . whose (ridiculously imposed) $60 per barrel oil price cap effectively prohibited issuing insurance to Russian ships carrying oil that is priced above this arbitrary limit:



The cap, imposed by the Group of Seven industrialised nations and their allies to curb Moscow's ability to finance the war, only allows Western insurers and ships to participate in Russian oil trade if the oil is sold below $60 a barrel.


Many of those who stopped trading such cargoes said they were doing so because they could not be certain about the price of the oil carried by the ships they were insuring.


Russia, which has banned its firms from complying with the price cap, sold its flagship Urals crude at Baltic ports for an average of $69.4 per barrel so far this year, well above the price cap, LSEG data shows.


Insurers and ship owners are not expected to investigate the price.


Instead, Western enforcement agencies including the U.S. Treasury require insurance companies to request so-called attestations from the parties that buy and sell the crude that the oil changed hands below the price cap.


© 2024 Jonathan Saul and Gleb Stolyarov, Exclusive: Western insurers provide cover for Russian oil despite price cap concerns, Reuters (08 August 2024)



So now . . .


This same Group of UkroNazi-Loving Western Clowns is further provoking the Russian Federation by announcing that it will physically stop Russian ships, so as to check for insurance coverage that We in the West prohibited from being issued.


If ever there was a non sequitur, that's one. Western malevolence delivered in its typifying nutshell of parasitic brainlessness.



ZeroHedge's take on all this is, consequently, accurate


There, Tyler Durden wrote that:



With NATO on a collision course with a Trump-sized iceberg, its member states are scrambling to escalate conflicts with Russia to ensure the money keeps flowing, and Denmark is certainly doing its part by warning in late December that Russia’s navy may start escorting the so-called shadow fleet tankers through Danish straits to escalate provocations against NATO countries.


Of course, Russia has done nothing of the sort, but with Denmark now in control of the narrative, the actual warships will belong to the West and will sail "defensively" in order to provoke Russia into doing just what the West plans on doing.


According to the Danish Defense Intelligence Service, threats against Denmark have become “more serious,” and Russia now has more options to challenge NATO’s members with “a more threatening military behavior."


This could include letting Russian warships escort tankers exporting millions of barrels of Moscow’s petroleum through the Baltic Sea, on which Russia, naturally, has numerous ports, and so Denmark's "warning" is about as serious as saying the US may deploy more jack ups [shallow water oil-drilling platforms] in the Gulf of Mexico.


© 2025 Tyler Durden, Russian Warships May Start Escorting Shadow Fleet Tankers, Denmark Warns, ZeroHedge (03 January 2024)



The moral? — As I said yesterday . . .


. . . nothing the West says is factually or motivationally correct.


Cutting the West's gonads off is (most probably) the only way for Humanity to progress beyond the Well of Murderous Asininity in which we are currently stuck.


A smart non-Westerner should be building his, her or its nuclear weapons supply.


So as, eventually, to become History's — arguably happily received — Orkin Man.


Imagine that, an alleged 'Western' civilization so hated for its maniacal tendencies that rationally moral 'others' would rejoice in its elimination.