Taxing cow farts — the latest bit of thieving brilliance from the Globalist Left

© 2024 Peter Free


10 July 2024



Let's bite the hands that feed us?


Globalists' Net Zero carbon emissions conniving never ceases, despite the impossibility of achieving it with this planet's current population and economic development base:



Dairy farmers in Denmark face having to pay an annual tax of 672 krone ($96) per cow for the planet-heating emissions they generate.


The country’s coalition government agreed this week to introduce the world’s first carbon emissions tax on agriculture. It will mean new levies on livestock starting in 2030.


Denmark is a major dairy and pork exporter, and agriculture is the country’s biggest source of emissions.


The global food system is a huge contributor to the climate crisis, producing around a third of greenhouse gas emissions.


Livestock farming has a particularly big impact, accounting for around 12% of global emissions in 2015, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. A share of this pollution comes from methane, a potent planet-warming gas produced by cows and some other animals through their burps and manure.


© 2024 Hanna Ziady, World’s first carbon tax on livestock will cost farmers $100 per cow, CNN (27 June 2024)



So by golly . . .


. . . getting rid of naturally grown food production is (apparently) the answer.


Based on poorly gathered and investigated evidence.


And endless propagandizing thereon.



Maybe there is more to this Cow Tax Ploy?


For instance, a motivationally darker perspective.


Here quoted by The Defender:



Tim Hinchliffe, editor of The Sociable, said small farms will bear the brunt of the new tax.


“Small farmers will be the first to go, and their land will most likely be used to house a variety of so-called ‘green initiatives,’ such as fake meat labs, acres of solar panels and wind turbines as far as the eye can see, new AI data centers that require tons of water, energy and land, and possibly even nuclear power plants to power those data centers,” he said.


Similarly, [Dutch attorney and activist Meike] Terhorst said the goal is to “close down the small farmers as part of the ‘Agenda 2030’ — U.N. [Sustainable Development Goals] — or the corporate takeover agenda.”


Terhorst said this agenda aims “to ensure that small farmers are to be removed from the land and replaced by ‘digital’ farming” — meaning “replacing meat and milk with factory-made insect food or milk and lab-grown meat.”


Hinchliffe said [that:]


“As I see it, the real goal here is to take control of prime agricultural land and to tax farmers out of existence. Once the taxes get too expensive and the farmers can’t keep up, that’s when public-private entities swoop in to take control of the land.


“If they really believed that flatulent farm animals were responsible for the weather, they would just plant more trees to absorb the carbon, and their imaginary crisis would be solved, but they’re not doing that because what they’re really after are land grabs, money, and total control of our food systems.”


“On a nutritional level, groups like the WEF and the U.N. want us eating less meat and more bugs, and this will only make us weaker and more docile as a species over time.


“It also makes us all dependent on very centralized sources of protein, so if there’s an outbreak or a contamination, citizens all over the world will suffer because there’ll be no alternative. The local farmers will have disappeared due to the carbon taxes and land grabs.”


“The bio meat industry was organized and financed by the investors and banks that are part of the WEF [World Economic Forum],” Terhorst said.


© 2024 Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., ‘Scary Experiment’: Denmark to Tax Livestock Emissions, Critics Say Small Farmers Are Real Target, The Defender (09 July 2024)



If you follow the money and the power . . .


. . . which point of view, regarding taxing cow emissions, do you think is more likely to be the accurate one?


Keep the Globalist-Big Pharma COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines — medical and institutional — still ongoing disasters in mind.


Recall, also, that the Collective West's extorted taxes virtually never-ever go to anything publicly worthwhile and efficiently implemented.


We are a crumbling pseudo-civilization indeed.



The moral? — Stupidity and cowardice . . .


. . . are Liberty and Survival's most deadly enemies.


Keep this in mind, when you consider the Western Establishment's plan to tax naturally emitted cow gas.


And who, one wonders, will these Globalist Malevolents try to tax for the voluminous methane that is increasingly seeping out of melting permafrost?