If only we had leaders of Maria Zakharova's sharp insight

© 2024 Peter Free


08 July 2024



Russia's foreign ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova . . .


. . . knows how to dissect vassal-making America's slippery propaganda drool.


For instance, here — as relayed by Zlatti71:



“On July 1, the US stated that the presidential elections in Iran were "neither free nor fair" and "will not lead to fundamental changes in Iran's direction."


Today, American media are quoting this statement, adding it to their discussions about the Iranian elections.


I would like to remind you that these statements were originally made and are now being reprinted by the same people who, after the recent debates between the two US presidential candidates, still cannot understand how they are being led by a "fairly and freely" elected Biden.


Half of the United States knew about the issues back in 2020 but were silenced by the propagandist American media, while the other half, having pushed away unpleasant thoughts for years, recently faced the reality of the liberal dictatorship that has taken over America.


The epithets used by American experts to describe the head of the White House range from "mentally unhealthy" to "fundamentally inadequate."


Maybe the US should first try to deal with its own electoral disaster, and only then can we listen to their opinion on the electoral situation in the world.”



Yes indeed


A nation that knowingly elected a warmongering dementia patient to the presidency and is now brain-deadedly contemplating replacing him with either:



(a) an already-demonstrated, massively incompetent — and almost equally elderly and arguably morally clueless — blowhard man (Donald Trump)




(b) a speech-incomprehensible woman (Kamala Harris) of one of Diversity's many treasured colors —


who, not at all coincidentally, proudly waves The Pure Fool's self-immolating torch . . .



. . . should (reasonably speaking) just shut up and attend to fixing its own suicidal direction.



The moral? — Of course, we would then have to face the perplexing issue of whether . . .


. . . an intentionally pillaging — dumbass-led and propaganda-populated — nation can fix itself.


Logic and historical experience would argue against that proposition.

