Hours after I wrote about — the seeming randomness of US drone murder — we explosively evaporated Afghani kids

© 2021 Peter Free


01 September 2021



Can one never be too cynical?


Three days ago, I ventured my suspicion that the US War Machine had immediately and randomly just blasted 'someone' — so that it could pretend to retaliate against the perpetrator of the first Kabul airport withdrawal bombing:



This morning, Good Morning America (GMA) played its enthusiastic role in the Great American Propaganda Machine.


First, it dutifully reported that an ISIS member had been blasted, as the Biden Administration had promised, in retaliation for the Kabul airport suicide bombing that had killed 13 US troops and many more Afghans two days ago.


How the US knew who this guy was — and why they had not taken him out before the bombing — are (conveniently) unknown. No mention of those rather obvious questions from GMA.


I have the impression the War Machine just fingered somebody, who might have been a vicious Adam Henry, so as to persuade the rest of us that the Security State is on the job. Despite it having so thoroughly and visibly screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal process.


Administratively speaking, we probably have a perfunctorily compiled list of purported Bad Guys somewhere. We drag it out, when it is necessary to blow someone up for propaganda effect.


It doesn't really matter if we get the right person or not. Who from the 'West' — after all — is going to probe and investigate the gobbets and background of what remains?


We can credit former president Barack Obama (King of Hypocrites) with having elevated this George W. Bush drone-delivered murder practice to an 'art' form.



Just hours after I posted that suspicion . . .


. . . we received news that the US had, indeed, drone-snuffed a bunch of Afghani kids:



The White House said Monday that the US has carried out two “successful” airstrikes in Afghanistan since the ISIS attack at the Kabul airport, including Sunday’s drone strike that witnesses say killed 10 civilians, including seven children.


Relatives and friends of the victims of the US drone strike said a missile hit a car that contained a father and his children.


When asked about the slaughter, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby conceded that the US was “not in a position to dispute” the account of the witnesses.


© 2021 Dave DeCamp, White House Describes Kabul Drone Strike That Killed 10 Civilians as ‘Succesful’, AntiWar (30 August 2021)



"Not in a position to dispute" . . .


. . . is pretty much the same as confessing to a murder process that randomly selects its victims.


And furthermore, to not caring about the moral indefensibility of the practice.



This uncaring attitude is . . .


. . . only one of the many unconscionable ways that American Four Stars achieve their rank — and their subsequent, lucrative retirements within the Military Industrial Complex's beneficent embrace.



The moral? — The United States does 'collateral' murder damage on purpose . . .


. . . and with full statistical knowledge of who its victims are likely to be.


At its economic core, American oligarchic culture is based on ignored War Criminalism.