We hear and see only what the American Propaganda Machine wants us to — Kabul airport evacuation

© 2021 Peter Free


28 August 2021



With liars and truth-concealers everywhere, whom to believe?


This morning, Good Morning America (GMA) played its enthusiastic role in the Great American Propaganda Machine.


First, it dutifully reported that an ISIS member had been blasted, as the Biden Administration had promised, in retaliation for the Kabul airport suicide bombing that had killed 13 US troops and many more Afghans two days ago.


How the US knew who this guy was — and why they had not taken him out before the bombing — are (conveniently) unknown. No mention of those rather obvious questions from GMA.



I have the impression the War Machine just fingered somebody, who might have been a vicious Adam Henry, so as to persuade the rest of us that the Security State is on the job. Despite it having so thoroughly and visibly screwed up the Afghanistan withdrawal process.


Administratively speaking, we probably have a perfunctorily compiled list of purported Bad Guys somewhere. We drag it out, when it is necessary to blow someone up for propaganda effect. It doesn't really matter if we get the right person or not. Who from the 'West' — after all — is going to probe and investigate the gobbets and background of what remains?


We can credit former president Barack Obama (King of Hypocrites) with having elevated this George W. Bush drone-delivered murder practice to an 'art' form.



Second, while showing the continuing chaos at and near the airport, GMA did not report on the Marine Corps battalion commander — at least not within the pertinent part of GMA's airport coverage — who had publicly criticized the top-ranking military's botch of the evacuation.


I should not have to remind anyone that — when a strategically minded military battalion commander publicly calls out the Four Stars for messing up a major military operation with deadly consequences — it is news.


Such a story is newsworthy, even if one disagrees with its substance, or the manner of allegedly insubordinate delivery with which it was advanced.


What is immediately obvious is that GMA — and its Lamestream cohorts — ignored Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller's criticism of military high command — (see its content below) — despite the fact that such an occurrence is extraordinarily unusual.


Given the pertinent circumstances, we know that suppressing this news was intentional.



Here is the story that GMA . . .


. . . and its Lamestream partners in Propaganda delivery did not report during its headline Kabul airport coverage this morning.


Active duty (US Marine Corps) Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller said, on Facebook, that:



The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down. That service member always rose to the occasion and has done extraordinary things.


People are upset because their senior leaders let them down and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying ‘we messed this up.’


[W]e have a secretary of defense that testified to Congress in May that the Afghan National Security Forces could withstand the Taliban advance.


We have Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs . . . who’s supposed to advise on military policy. We have a Marine combatant commander. All of these people are supposed to advise.


And I’m not saying we’ve got to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying:



Did any of you throw your rank on the table and say ‘hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone.’



Did anyone do that?


And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say ‘we completely messed this up?’”


© 2021 James Clark, Marine commander relieved over his viral video calling out military leaders for Afghanistan withdrawal, Task & Purpose (27 August 2021)



Naturally, given how America destroys its best instincts


Lt. Col. Scheller was immediately relieved of command for having dared to criticize his 'superiors' in public:



Maj. Jim Stenger, Marine Corps spokesperson, told DailyMail.com in a statement that Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was relieved of command by Col. David Emmel, Commanding Officer of School of Infantry-East, 'due to a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to command.'


'This is obviously an emotional time for a lot of Marines, and we encourage anyone struggling right now to seek counseling or talk to a fellow Marine. There is a forum in which Marine leaders can address their disagreements with the chain of command, but it’s not social media,' Maj. Stenger said.


© 2021 Christopher Eberhart, 'We messed this up': Marine Lt. Colonel is relieved of duties after posting furious video slamming 'seniors leaders' at the Pentagon who 'let down' the 13 US troops killed in Kabul suicide bombing, DailyMail.com.uk (27 August 2021)



Note that Scheller has 17 years in the Corps


That means he is 3 short of qualifying for a military retirement pension.


It takes genuinely admirable courage to speak out — under conditions in which a punitively minded Corps will boot one out, before those necessary 3 more years accrue.



The lesson?


In the United States military, leaders who can lead with courage and insight are weeded out by higher ranking ones, who can neither lead nor think.


Ergo, the combined human and strategic disasters of American foreign policy and warmongering 'accomplished' over the decades.



The moral? — If you want to find what's true . . .


. . . you will have to begin by ignoring virtually everything that American Leadership, and its Deep State-controlled Lamestream, tells you.


They are all lying (by commission or omission) virtually all the time.