Freedom of speech — Czech Republic's EU-characterizing announcement
© 2022 Peter Free
02 March 2022
Eyes closed and drowning in war propaganda
It is almost impossible to find objectively based analyses of the Russia-Ukraine situation.
'Objective' — as used here — meaning folks acting and communicating, as if they understand what rationality, evidence and applied reason all mean.
Instead, censorship and humanity's characteristic Brainless Monkey Dance are in escalating frenzy.
For instance, from the government of the Czech Republic . . .
. . . we receive the following double-speak idiocy — here Google-translated and slightly reformatted for clarity:
Everyone has the right to express their views in any way they see fit. But freedom of speech also has its limits in a democratic state governed by the rule of law.
If someone publicly (including demonstrations, the Internet or social networks) agreed (accepted or supported the Russian Federation's attacks on Ukraine)
expressed support or praised the leaders of the Russian Federation in this regard, they could also face criminal liability under certain conditions[:]
for the criminal offense of approving a criminal offense pursuant to Section 365 of the Criminal Code,
for the criminal offense of denying, questioning, approving and justifying genocide pursuant to Section 405 of the Criminal Code.
The Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office appeals to all persons not to resort to public speeches in excess of the established constitutional and legal restrictions in these difficult times.
JUDr. Igor Stříž
Attorney General
© 2022 Nejvyšší Státní Zastupitelství [Supreme State Prosecutor], Informace kmožným trestněprávním limitům svobody projevu ve vztahu k situaci na Ukrajině [Information on the possible criminal law limits of freedom of expression in relation to the situation in Ukraine], (26 February 2022)
Big Brother has warned y'all
Think right.
Or don't think at all.
This Czech 'thing' pretty well parallels . . .
. . . Canada's imprisoning lead, regarding domestic protests.
You recall that, right?
Trudeau's Gang seized your financial assets, if you supported a Freedom Convoy trucker or anyone else who assisted one.
Not far behind, of course, is the United States
That marvelous country, led by a dementia-struggling Deep State proxy.
The United States — and its Gang of Euro-Poltroons — is now economically sanctioning anyone and everyone — who has doubts about the wisdom of drowning historical accuracy in a vat of evidence-rejecting American 'liberal' democracy.
This US-sponsored mindless aggressiveness is continuing to escalate.
Even unto the point, at which the intended Russo-Chinese economic suffocation will certainly boomerang back to strangle our own spittle-flecking throats.
How farseeing, we are and have been.
The moral? — These people are going to end the human race
Functioning gray matter has been almost entirely extinguished, by Government fiat, from the genome.
Goose step with your betters, my children.
Ant Hill Autocracy has arrived to stay.